NZCPPA Conference: Leading the Way - Cardinal John Dew

"An Era of Change or a Change of Era" Pope Francis, 2015

A few words can be powerful (eg Trump Twitter)

Applying the discipline of a short message can help with clarity.

Clear message from the Pope - we need a firm and perervering intention for the good of others - even when they are not to us.

Pastors / leaders have plenty of opportunity to be become angry

The Joy of Charity - and ability to expand our hearts

The Francis Revolution: Messages for our Mission

The greater our responsibility in serving the church - the more our hearts must expand according to the measure of the heart of Christ

With responsibilty is power.

Ted Talk in Canada -the more powerful you are, the more your actions will have an impact on people...importance of humility:

Power must be connected with humulty, tenderness and concreete love if it is to become a service , a force for good (Power is like drinking on an empty stomach)

Personal encounter with Christ = essential

Meeting the person of Jesus

Primary Goal = communicating Christ and helping to form Christ in the lives of others.

Renewed encounter unfailingly each day.

I invite you at this very moment, to a renewed personal encounter with Jesus Christ, unfailingly each day

Social Justice principles - Common Good & Solidarity

Addressing international CEOs, the pope spoke of:

How wonderful it would be if the Connection between wonder of discover of science - meant that we looked after eachother across this world "The needs of our brothers and sisters orbitting around us..."

"How wonderful would it be if solidarity, this beautiful and, at times, inconvenient word, were not simply reduced to social work, and became, instead, the default attitude in political, economic and scientific choices, as well as in the relationships among individuals, peoples and countries."

See the human face of those you earnestly seek to help.

Pastoral care n schools today much more than happens in parishes. Involve in your efforts, those you seek to help - listen to their stories - broken families, etc.

Message never a message of pity - always more dynamic about need for change.

Involve in your efforts those whom you seek to help; give them a voice, listen to their stories, learn from their experiences and understand their needs

Ongoing process of healing, grwth and change - we are not made perfect in an instant.

"No family drops down from heaven, perfectly formed" - we grow throughout our lives as our relationship with God deepens. many people = many stages of personal growth represented.

Question for us - "What are we doing to help or to hinder others on that journey - especially those in complex or difficult situations. We never know what their life situation is - be alongside people, journeying and accompanying them.

Pope Francis continually saying I am a sinner.

Each human being, including me, knows, loves and accomplishes moral good by different stages of growth

Important to be there for people in trouble - walking alongside them.

Threefold message in different situation (Jesuit 1, 2, 3 approach)
  • Journeying, building and professing
  • Poverty, ignorance and corruption
  • Accompany, discern and integrate
One two three like the old-time Jesuits used to do, rights! One, two, three!

Give hope to those who are struggling with life

Hope is the door that opens on to the future - the hidden seed of life. invisble yeast that allows the whole dough to grow.

A revolution of tenderness

A single individual is enough for hope to exist, and that individual can be you.


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