Edutech 2017 - Belief Leads Change. Abdul Chohan, (Former Director of Development, Essa Academy)
The Olive Tree Primary School - all children at least two years below average based on growth mindsets
High deprivation index / free school meals
'Belief' key
to change belief, need: simplicity and reliability- anecdote - Print 30 sheets of paper in case latops don't work. We don't print sheets of paper when we turn the TV on. Only use technology that is simple and reliable. instead of buying laptop trolley, bought 100s of ipod touch - for each student.
spaces, technology, learning - what can they do now, that couldn't do in the past?amount spent on printing for each child for three years = cost of a paperless device
"We've always done it that way" most expensive 6 words in education (people, time, etc)
Changing culture
- Relationships
- The Non-Negotiables
- Develop the people
feedback online, rather than in books - investment from teachers perspective as not as time consuming
stopped all training days - 2 hours every week professional development. The "one best thing" - sharing best experience. "one best failure" - sharing things that didn't work
ipads, technology, apps - tools to amplify learning. The technology will never replace teachers.
Teachers that can use technology will replace those teachers that cannot use technology.
Webb's dapth of knowledgeEdgar Dale - authenticity
Sclecty's levels
Vygotsky's ZPD
Puentadura's SAMR
Feedback over Marking
voice is faster, more powerful, more personalShowbie
school doesn't stop at 3.00pm - it continues through access
behavioural change - not going to photocopy sheets of paper, because the technology works to replace the printing
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