Edutech 2017 - Animating knowledge to enrich your professional learning communities. Professor Louise Stoll

The importance of language in professional learning communities
knowledge animation
learning conversations
animated external research knowledge - and how circulate own ideas


  • collaborative, reflective and growth-orientated cultures
  • inclusive, mutually supportive and collectively responsivle people
  • curious - investigating and learning more aabout their proactice together - deprivatising
  • rigourously testing out promising new approaches
  • within and between schools - and across regions and countries

Purposeful - to make a positive difference to all students' learning exoeriences and outcomes


Leaders have opportunity to shape language - using certain kinds of language
bring ideas to like - bring knowledge to life. To move knowledge around to what we know

Anima - Latin = Breath - life - soul
Animate = bring to life, put in motion

suggests movement, action, dynamism vibrancy, invigoration,


Low - (shallow) - sharing resources, talk about how lesson 'went', teachers with theories of change - if I do this, then that will happen

Medium - How lesson went, including why. specific = detailed discussion of whether students were learning (but not how they learn), discussing teachign strategies in the context of observations, doing maths problems with discussions

High - talk related to pedagogical principles, underlying teaching and learning approaches

What we are trying to get

people making meaning - gather in a community - challenge thinking - help to create knowledge - cycle - conversations that lead to change

Need good purposes and processes - and engage actively and appropriately

Knoweldge Animation

A lot of what we know is tacit - in there

People's existing knowledge and experience - New knowledge for practice created together through learning conversations - Knowledge from elsewhere, research and other evidence

Tools, protocols and facilitation

Gap analysis Survey - another conversations starter

compare understandings - may be risky but will start valuable conversation

Learning Conversations

Have to be carried out with supportive conditions

Land of Nice - people don't want to be critical of eachother - but people have to open up

Listening, questioning, challenging, probing, building, connecting, critical friendship - diverse views

Sharing knowledge - find an article - get people talking

Thinking about how you circulate your knowledge is really critical - how do I facilitate this??

photo - poster at bottom left, what they did, what the impact was, how sharing the learning. Bottom right - who have you been connecting with about what you have been doing? How have you been connecting? How deep is this?


Making sense of our experience
building relationships, bringing groups and communities together
shaping, extending and constraining

Case Study guidance:

(Nelson et al)
People getting into the rich detail
baseline collected? What outcomes?, etc

Impact phase - see photo.
What did you find out?
How are you going to share this?

Animating external research knowledge

Middle Leaders as Catalysts for hange: Project questions
(see photos)
Findings were boiled down into cards - information about how to get cards on site
Powerful ways to share knowledge about excellent practice within and across schools (7 - see photo)

See reference to text:
"Catalyst - a collaborative, professional learning resource for teacher leaders working within and across schools"


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