Edutech 2017 - Solving Problems that Matter - Lee Watanabe Crockett

Differences in Japanese society
What would the birds eat during the winter if the fruit at the top of the tree is left - I leave it for the future.

What is it that we are leaving for our children's future? What are we creating?

What is the end-game with technology? What are we trying to establish?

Fast fashion industry - second largets polluter next to oil - a problem

Unaware, unwilling, unable to change - we will be undone by it

Ask children - what are the biggest problems in the world that need solving? Create soltions

Believe in a bright future - see possibilities. take concenr into what they really want - desire to make things better for their common man

Future Focussed Teacher

  1. Problems that matter
  2. Access to necessary tools
  3. Find the courage to stand aside - not have answers - let them ask questions

 An essential question: Remove specificity

  1. Essential and hearding questions
  2. Connection through context and relevance
  3. Learning is personalised
  4. Challenge of higher order tasks
  5. Research component/
  6. Process orientated
  7. Learning Intentions (and success criteria) are clear
  8. Learner Creation focus
  9. Assessment is mindful
  10. Self and/or peer assessment


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