Edutech 2017 - Leading Professional Learning Communities: Where next? Professor Louise Stoll
Professional Learning Communities
Past model - getting a little help from friends = cheating. Now we know there are benefits from working together- Collaborative cultures
- Collective responsibility
- deprivatise practice - please come in, please observe me. please give me feedback.
- Purposeful - to make a difference for all students' learning experiences and outcomes. Wellbeing
Three key Ingredients of responsive 21st century schools
- Confident teachers
- Willingness to innovate
- School leaders who establish the conditions that enable 1 and 2 to flourish (Schleicher, OECD 2015)
- knowledge base
- autonomy - being able to be a change agent and make decision - but in context of working with peers within and across schools. If want our children to be adaptive and creative - teacher needs to be too
- peer networks
- Generating and exchanging knowledge within and between schools - where there is great teaching, enrich further with language. Sharing and deepening for mutual benefit.
- Growing / being change catalysts - stimulate learning conversations, bring in articles, how can move ideas around schools, networks
- Promoting and nurturing colleagues' creativity - create conditions for colleagues to feel more creative: model it - risk taking; expose them to new thinking and experiences; self-consciously letting go; provide time and space to think, design and have a go; keep referring back to core values. We will fail - it is OK to fail. (example of secondary school having to let go to design a learning policy / learning wheel - pictures around wheel, students carried out research, young people observed in teachers' classes - invited in to give feedback (Geraldine's example fits this). When did you last learn something that really took you out of your comfort zone? If I did this, maybe I can do other things? Challenge myself.
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