
Showing posts from June, 2017

NZCPPA Conference: NZCEO - Who are we? and What's on top? Paul Ferris CEO - NZCEO

Insert graphic re finance   Next 6-7 years: $53,000,000 to be released for work in schools over the next 6-7 years (due to qualitity founding agreement with MOE) Strategic Direction: An encounter with Christ Governance Finance Partnership - communication, guidance and support, celebrating success Evangelisation - schools supporting students, families, and parishes Formation - identifying leaders, supporting formation, identifying & recruiting leaders, and providing leadership -Working with NCRS - receiving Catholic school response to Special character Partnership - working with government, and givt agencies, advocating representing, informing Need to be dynamic, agressive, in their face - like Elim church

NZCPPA Conference: Leading the Way - Cardinal John Dew

"An Era of Change or a Change of Era" Pope Francis, 2015 A few words can be powerful (eg Trump Twitter) Applying the discipline of a short message can help with clarity. Clear message from the Pope - we need a firm and perervering intention for the good of others - even when they are not to us. Pastors / leaders have plenty of opportunity to be become angry The Joy of Charity - and ability to expand our hearts The Francis Revolution: Messages for our Mission The greater our responsibility in serving the church - the more our hearts must expand according to the measure of the heart of Christ With responsibilty is power. Ted Talk in Canada -the more powerful you are, the more your actions will have an impact on people...importance of humility: Power must be connected with humulty, tenderness and concreete love if it is to become a service , a force for go...

NZCPPA Conference: Innivative Practice Session

St Joseph's School New Plymouth Parishes, a rich fabric - and old worn duvet cover with lots of holes Bright Buttons - transition to school Every Wednesday - parent, grandparent, neighbour - mini classroom situation. First time many experience prayer, making the sign of the cross Very few have school visits, as so comfortable already Meal roster 40 families on the roster - on call if someone needs a meal Kept in freezer - staff, etc also benefit Young vinnies Relationship with St Vincent de Paul Seniors only (Year 5&6) - as something to look forward to Instilling a sense of pride - helping others - has to be in own lunch time - show commitment  Fundraisers, etc Communicate their works to the community - feeling valued St Vincent de Paul speech competition Learn about roles, like social workers, etc RE Fun Club Become a place for children sitting on the fringes Make bookmarks Make cards for resthome, etc Made up a liturgical dance for a Mass Present b...

NZ Catholic Primary Principal's Association (NZCPPA) Conference: Principal Health and Wellbeing 22.06.17 - Prof Philip Riley

(NZEI funded study) 20% return rate - primary principals only - good cross section of community Anxiety levels in schols rising - world a very dangerous place at the moment Wellbeing not a 'bolt-on' - integral Mental Health the biggest risk - 1:2 teachers will experience burnout during their career - need to be proactive Environment - ergonical design, open and inclusive Good line management - effective people management, traoning, sickness absence anagemet work demands - job design autonomy change management pay and reward Vaalues and Principals Collective a/ social Personal growth - High stakes testing = corrupt what you seek to measure Centrally imposed expectations + local accountability Constraining of our working life = biggest causes of exit If you do something about it, you save a lot of money (see pic) Gender inequity Hours of work (see pic) ...

Coaching and Mentoring for Change Leaders. Jan Robertson, Wellington. 14 June 2017

Importance of mihimihi Making connections inclusion of dialogue sharing / being aware of context finding commonalities transition - 'here' expectations / active listening, etc participants forming questions - self-directed - what questions do our teachers come to ther staff meeting with? coaching paradigm sense of responsbility "Who did you bring here today?" "Why Should Anyone be Led By You?" - Book Be yourself more...with skill - have to know who you are Leadership is about your learning relationships with others. Jan Robertson's Reseach asked... "What do you want from your leaders? Authenticity - not 'playing a role' - not 'principal' Significance how does that add to the bug picture? how do you give people feeling that their work is significant - relationships, feedback Excitement people who inspire, are filled with awe - about learni...

Edutech 2017 - Solving Problems that Matter - Lee Watanabe Crockett

Differences in Japanese society What would the birds eat during the winter if the fruit at the top of the tree is left - I leave it for the future. What is it that we are leaving for our children's future? What are we creating? What is the end-game with technology? What are we trying to establish? Fast fashion industry - second largets polluter next to oil - a problem Unaware, unwilling, unable to change - we will be undone by it Ask children - what are the biggest problems in the world that need solving? Create soltions Believe in a bright future - see possibilities. take concenr into what they really want - desire to make things better for their common man Future Focussed Teacher Problems that matter Access to necessary tools Find the courage to stand aside - not have answers - let them ask questions  An essential question: Remove specificity Essential and hearding questions Connection through context and relevance Learning is personali...

Edutech 2017 - Leading the Digital School - Stem Project Based Learning: opening the wrold of STEM for students - Ruth Thompson, Immediate past president IIATE NSW Executive member DATTA

Some definitions: Science - underpinning knowledge Technology - techniques, skills and processes Engineering - application of scientific mathematical knowledge Maths - the study of quantities and their relationships Stem Literacy - competence in using STEM concepts to produce solutiobns to real world problems '21st century skills needed'   Students didn't come into my classroom in order to get a job - they came because they want to make stuff - create their own knowledge, through doing.   taking the skills of managing a project can be taken into their careers - without necessarily needing to take the skills of making furniture on further.             

Edutech 2017 - Animating knowledge to enrich your professional learning communities. Professor Louise Stoll

Image The importance of language in professional learning communities knowledge animation learning conversations animated external research knowledge - and how circulate own ideas PLCs collaborative, reflective and growth-orientated cultures inclusive, mutually supportive and collectively responsivle people curious - investigating and learning more aabout their proactice together - deprivatising rigourously testing out promising new approaches within and between schools - and across regions and countries Purposeful - to make a positive difference to all students' learning exoeriences and outcomes Language Leaders have opportunity to shape language - using certain kinds of language bring ideas to like - bring knowledge to life. To move knowledge around to what we know Anima - Latin = Breath - life - soul Animate = bring to life, put in motion suggests movement, action, dynamism vibrancy, invigoration, Talk Low - (shallow) - sharing res...

Edutech 2017 - Deepen Observation & critical thinking. Shirley Casper - Senior Curriculum Officer, Science Curriculum and Assessment Standards

Science and Maths provide framework in order for technologies to be useful STEM - about students thinking about things, exploring and making stuff Concept of close observation - giving students time to really explore and observe something really closely, so able to formulate ideas around it Kids are really quite fascinated by animals and it is hard for them to observe. Bees are really good to observe. Australian native bees don't sting and are good to observe - native beehives in schools Exercise - watched Videos of bees - try and observe what bees are doing - imagine that 7 or 8 year old student - ask to try and design a bee. Look at the bee as having a partciular function - there are certain things that bees have as part of their design that enable it to carry out its role. What can it use in order to help it achieve that = design brief. What are the criteria that are going to tell you that you are successful in your project? Try and slow down the children a bit...

Edutech 2017 - Cyberstudents, neuroscience and the revolution in education technology. Dr John Collick

The Anarchy of Technology Analogy of student being on Mt Space - then teachers making use of My Space for learning - student put off by teachers being there too - then moved to Bebo, Facebook Can't control students engagement with technology The Exoself - Greg Egan The cloud of identities, bank acounts, etc - surrounds you and extends your personality. Each student has an exocself that is totally unique and personal Analytical skills / metacognition important part of paradigm Curated libraries opf Apps and utilities - students can access and build knowledge banks analytical skills Cybersecurity - need to be proetected at deep level. Power to proptect selves Cede Control - students plan own learning. Give students analtyical skills and metacognition to manage self Metacognition Neuroscience Failure increases learning - physical component - seratonin levels increase more through failure than through success - abilty for new learning better If see someone els...

Edutech 2017 - Equipping students for the digital age - Catherine Misson, Principal Melbourne Girls' Grammar

Designing Curriculum Didn't start with looking at resources / technology Strated with "who our girls are" Reorganise time so that time iis a shared experience. 4 key components over which students exercise a degree of control: Academic Wellbeing Enterprise - expert project managers Physical (not the traditional 'PE') - integrate phsyical activitiy in day, as makes sense to each girl "Frustration is a path back to what they know" Key technologies - Outlook - shaping the day. 50% of each girls' day is scheduled - still has an expert teacher for each area selected. Girls need to master outlook - schedule two week blocks. lectures, workshops, etc that are on offer. Independent learning times - thinking about how should use these. Learning Commons - academic coaches (tertiary level students, carefully recrutied, workshops, etc). Well-being coaches - one session per wee...

Edutech 2017 - Peter Adams. Pisa study

Edutech 2017 - Belief Leads Change. Abdul Chohan, (Former Director of Development, Essa Academy)

The Olive Tree Primary School - all children at least two years below average Philosophy based on growth mindsets High deprivation index / free school meals 'Belief' key to change belief, need: simplicity and reliability anecdote - Print 30 sheets of paper in case latops don't work. We don't print sheets of paper when we turn the TV on. Only use technology that is simple and reliable. instead of buying laptop trolley, bought 100s of ipod touch - for each student. Impact spaces, technology, learning - what can they do now, that couldn't do in the past? amount spent on printing for each child for three years = cost of a paperless device "We've always done it that way" most expensive 6 words in education (people, time, etc) Changing culture Relationships The Non-Negotiables Develop the people same processes for kids and teachers feedback online, rather than in books - investment from teachers...

Edutech 2017 - Angela Maiers - Genius Hour

Leveraging Collective Genius Solve probelms bring insight elevate inspire Need to find a way to unpack, liberate - cannot be done through police and programmes. Educate - "to lead out" what exists within We must first believe that there is genious in our precence A capicity to see the world from only our perspective. The world is not created by 'other people' - people took actions, risks. They believed and owned their genius. Accept Accelerate Act Commit to use your genius - problems of today require collective intellegence Preparing kids for citizenship - liberating their genius Citizens who commit to being brave every day - living their full selves and offering that to all

Edutech 2017 - Leading Professional Learning Communities: Where next? Professor Louise Stoll

Professional Learning Communities Past model - getting a little help from friends = cheating. Now we know there are benefits from working together Collaborative cultures Collective responsibility deprivatise practice - please come in, please observe me. please give me feedback. Purposeful - to make a difference for all students' learning experiences and outcomes. Wellbeing Three key Ingredients of responsive 21st century schools Confident teachers Willingness to innovate School leaders who establish the conditions that enable 1 and 2 to flourish                   (Schleicher, OECD 2015)   Teacher Professionalism knowledge base autonomy - being able to be a change agent and make decision - but in context of working with peers within and across schools. If want our children to be adaptive and creative - teacher needs to be too peer networks So where next? Generating...