Ulearn 2019: Leading eLearning

  1. @nathanmwalsh (https://hagleyschool-my.sharepoint.com/:p:/g/personal/nathan_walsh_staff_hagley_school_nz/EZ_Xv96RN9xPtm6s3rSS_K0BEznsL5EsDLlp7Ur3BInJtg?rtime=jT2yo8lN10g)

Present - Future of technology

  1. Align to the strategic direction of your school. Do they align to enable eLearning
  2. Conduct a stocktake - eLearning planning framework
  3. Lead with best-practice teaching and learning - ask teachers to think differently - what IS teaching and learning? What do we want my students to learn (using padlet)? How do we want students to learn? What tools can I use to help my students to learn?

  4. Effective PLD (refer to BES

  5. Use existing resources 
  6. Teachers have the greatest impact - naku to rourou, nau to rourou, ka ora ai te wiw - with your basket and my basket the people will live = support for the teachers
  7. Work closely with ICT - technology needs to work well
  8. Research based practice 


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