Ulearn 2019: iPad - Realising the true potential of the iPad, innovative uses

Stuart Hale - Ormiston Junior College - https://vln.school.nz/profile/Stuart.Hale

email Stuart for hyperlinked pdfs: stuartnz@mac.com 

Stuart Hale will donate a day of his time for free to help (pay travel to and from Wellington)

"Innovation is not tweaks - take a giant step into the 21st century as it is now 1/5 over"

(teachers on Californian tours) Monte vista - choir practice

Teachers are pushing out technology that they wouldn't use themselves - why?

"The moment of discovery - 1995"  (video)

No desks required - no restrictions to learning

All too often we give children limited tools (eg Google doc) - we need to give them as many tools as they need to empower their learning. (Give Michael Angelo a chisel, we would get a David - give him a paint brush - we will get the 

IMportance of the camera App as the most important of all. 


Trademe - magnifier loupe - mount with bluetac over the lens:


APP - Star Walk / Star walk kids (join VPB) links to Nasa 

Need to lose the keyboard for a 21st century device 

I Dinasaur AR (buy a book - brings to life) https://www.fishpond.co.nz/Books/iDinosaur-AR/9781780973043 

photoshack.co.nz  - entry level sound and video equipment - video mic

Technology must be used to change, not simply assist

APP - Book creator

APP - Puppet Pals

APP - Life Cards

Keynote - takes background out (instant alpha)
Using a green screen - photo of children on site
Then animate self

Keyboards will get in the way of a 21st century device

Painting with Light using 

APP - slowshutter

The most likely to succeed - a docudrama

8 awesome apps:

Pic Collage (kids version only as adult version full of ads)
Life Cards
Strip Designer
Puppet Pals (paid version $4.19 - can make anything you want)
Stop Motion - free
Book Creator

The best (except for cost)
Explain Everything Version 5 (problem - is no longer on VPP and is now $25 per copy)

Put <15 Apps on the Ipad
Need $20-30 worth of Apps to make it a 21st century device

ipad can record the screen on ipad - even on video
Using imovie with greenscreen

Do our iPads reach their true potential?


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