
Showing posts from 2017

Payments to parents. Dennis Cribb - School Governance, MOE

Resource Documents: Ministry Circular on payments by parents Go to MOE website Type "circular 2013/06" in search box Inland revenue Public Ruling on Payments by parents - GST treatment Problems schools compelling parents to make payments for which there should be no compulsion this is unlawful (as a 'fee') one of the consequences - tax treatment is likely to be wrong some parents are likely to be missing out on tax credits Law Says 5-19 year old students - free enrolment, and free education Law Means No payments are compulsory (with exception of attendance dues in integrated schools , and charges for voluntary purchase of goods and services - eg canteen) parents can pay in full , in part , or not at all school uniform??? Stationery??? If someone went to the high court to clarify - there is a risk that it could backfire as payment can't be compelled - depending on a judge, and their interpretation of section 3 donations - parents enti

Netsafe: Education Advisor, Anjie Webster

Potential for being unsafe online through social media - Takes 50 steps to de-activate facebook Blurred boundaries - multiple access points - opportunities and risks Autonomy to hang out with mates online - a powerful influencer Potential for bullying, offensive, sexual exposure The more we are online - there is an increased risk for encountering offensive material ...and the more you are online, the more you learn to manage such risks Need to keep up with being online - developing skills as they go. Young girls - exploring who they are by age 9/10: more likely to have multiple profiles (not unusual to have up to 5 profiles - biys more likely to have single profiles) temporary versions of self bully and be bullied may make mistakes (eg sharing intimate photos, videos, etc) may make compromises - irrespective of values taught learning about trust and relationships through connections - socially quite complex Implications of 'liking', commenting, posting...

Dream for Wellington - The Rotary Forum 1 August 2017: My learnings

A Wellington that supports: Systems built for people - not people fitting into systems Creativity / connectedness / collaboration Opposite of Loneliness Sustainable people, not just sustainable environment Respect for - Ruamoko (God of earthquakes) Tawhirimatea (climates) Papatuanuku   (earth mother) Tangaroa (seas) Working with what we have - don't fight the weather or pretend to be something we are not Adaptability, bravery, creativity Understand and celebrate the legendary stories of our region Allow for magic – the unforeseeen, the unimaginable (example of rocket launch on east coast) Digital will became common place – the actual will become more exciting Give and take table – what does it say to us as a community if bowl empty or full of trash. We borrow from our children – care for our children enduring curiosity Think about purchases - eg - Who made your clothes? Where did they come from? How much are the workers being paid? Unde

Dream for Wellington - The Rotary Forum 1 August 2017: Grant Robertson, MP for Wellington Central

Wellington's Alumni are very important to this city "Robert" story That we are the opposite of Lonliness Space in our city for everyone Connects people Wet house - opposite of lonliness Co-working space Cuba-Dupa Festival: inclusive festival (but could be more inclusive of children) "wellington" edge

Dream for Wellington - The Rotary Forum 1 August 2017: Melissa Clark-Reynolds, Director and Future Foresight Practition

Children - Design Wellington for our youngest member will also make it elderly-friendly Popcicle test - can a child walk from home and back safely to buy ane ice block - on their own safe from predators and traffic Keep our 'wild' spaces for wild play and getting hurt take risks, have more failures - early outdoor space to play, street parties Things that are funny and stupid - whimsie access to reflections of who they art to see themselves in the city to avoid "nature deficit disorder'

Dream for Wellington - The Rotary Forum 1 August 2017: Stacey Shortall, Lawyer, Founder of the WHO DID YOU HELP TODAY social movement

Who did you help today? Hope = possibility Pull together Know the terms of engagement

Dream for Wellington - The Rotary Forum 1 August 2017: Bishop Justin Duckworth, Anglican Diocese of Wellington

People in Wellington - in traumatic, painful lives but we probably don't recognise it Sustainable people, not just sustainable environment That the systems created to support people in our community are designed to do just that - not to pick out the 1% of people who default the system If we don't design systems for these people - we miss out also

Dream for Wellington - The Rotary Forum 1 August 2017: Pinaman Owusu-Banehene, Founder and executive Producer off ADJOAA and the Africa Fashion Festival NZ

·        Who made your clothes? Where did they come from? How much are the workers being paid? Under what conditions? What are you going to do differently? ·        Socially aware, ethical buyers of fashion, sustainable clothing, gulit-free clothing ·        Use power – choose where you shop ·        Wellington known globally as the world’s first ethically aware, socially conscious consumers of fashion ·        In NZ – paid a living wage ·        Spend good money on good quality clothing, buy less and invest in upcycling

Dream for Wellington - The Rotary Forum 1 August 2017: Ludo Campbell-Reid, GM and Urban Design Champion, Auckland Council

·        Need for Paradigm Shift: ·        Be convivial – stop talking about the weather. Embrace it and work with it – city design working in harmony – fit for purpose. Change design. o    Build more indoor-outdoor spaces – with removable rooves o    Put a roof on it o    Create a microclimate – greener biodiversity o    Take the streets back for the people (take away overpasses for walkers) ·        Be more connected ·        Be collaborative  

Dream for Wellington - The Rotary Forum 1 August 2017: Peter Biggs, Chair Wellington Regional Economic Development Agency

·        Dreams can be disturbing things, scary, memorable – come from the unconsicous ·        Whittakers runs of instinct and feel – no consumer research ·        Steve Jobs – can’t connect dots looking forward – only backwards – somehow have to trust ·        Uber – and Air BnB doesn’t own cars / rooms ·        We as human beings can’t cope with the rate of rapid change in the world – world dranatically being reshaped – turmoil around the world caused by rate of change ·        Cities are more important (GDP) / dangerous than countries ·        The world wants us but is a threat to us: o    Always to islanders – danger is what comes from over the sea – Allen Curnow ·        Successful places: o    Talent o    Connectedness o    Innovation o    Distinctiveness ·        We need to be a small region with a larger way of thinking – the most impaginative captial and region in the world. Regional and urban development ·        Three things we ca

The Impossible Dream for Wellington - The Rotary Forum 1 August 2017: Tui Te Hau, GM at Mahuki, Te Papa

Tui Te Hau, GM at Mahuki, Te Papa ·        What would be the one object – one idea that you would collect? ·        Culture tech – 75,000 museums on the world – important place in GDP around the world ·        What want ot eliminate – homelessness, etc ·        Create right inputs to enable future generations to shape what wil be required for them ·        Allow for magic – the unforeseeen, the unimaginable (example of rocket launch on east coast) ·        Guiding principles: o    Connected worlds – example of digital environment (NY)   - enduring curiosity and need to collaborate to succeed o    Exploratorium – science displays. Give and take table – what does it say to us as a community if bowl empty or full of trash. We borrow from our children – care for our children o    Waka – extraorinary feats and leadership – over relience on logic and linear thinking is limiting. Wayfinding. Drawing the island to them, as opposed to travelling to the isalnd

The Impossible Dream for Wellington - The Rotary Forum 1 August 2017: Sir Wira Gardiner, Chair, Local Government Commission

Sir Wira Gardiner, Chair, Local Government Commission ·        Three official languages – very few can speak more than one of them ·        Challenge – truly, deeply, fundamentally creative ·        Dreams – reflect what I want for own family – need to be somewhere own family want to come to ·        22 January 1840 – founding of Wellington celebrated, but Whanganui a Tara was founded in the 13th century ·        Cultural Fluency – o    Declare Wellingto the Te Reo Capital of NZ o    Many places in Wellingto could be anywhere in the world (airport, hotels, etc) o    Reflect cultural approach at Airport, street signs, greeting signs, shops and practice on streets ·        Tane Rore o    The genesis of haka and performing arts o    Develop further with Te Ati Awa and Toa Rangitira a Māori face to the city ·        Ruamoko (God of earthquakes) Tawhirimatea (climates) Papatuanuku   (earth mother) Tangaroa (seas) o    Relocate (or replicate) lif

The Impossible Dream for Wellington - The Rotary Forum 1 August 2017: DK, Licensee, Sports Coach, Producer at TEDxWellington

DK, Licensee, Sports Coach, Producer at TEDxWellington ·        BEST – statement ·        What would it take to be the best – important to say, “I don’t know” ·        Creativity as the process of having (and/or using) ideas that make a difference ·        City as a platform o    technology platform needs infrastructure o    Needs an operating system o    Coolest little capital (2011) – run dry. When travelling, people always want to know about: §   All blacks §   Lord of the rings §   I’ve always wanted to go §   (not - Creative connected and innovative) o    Disparity – youth suicide ·        Need to become more adaptable o    Intersections o    Brave o    Additive – add value before you extract it o    Best – the only ones who do waht we do the way we do it o    Creative

The Impossible Dream for Wellington - The Rotary Forum 1 August 2017: Hon Paula Bennett, Deputy Prime Minister

Hon Paula Bennett, Deputy Prime Minister ·        Population statistics point to smarts, workers, success in tech, tourism, Public Service success in Wellington ·        Is Wellington making the most of problem-solvers in the city? ·        Mobilise the public service to solve some of the problens / challenges of Wellington ·        Wellington should be the best connected city ·        Could be the first City to have noone on the unemployment benefit

NZCPPA Conference: NZCEO - Who are we? and What's on top? Paul Ferris CEO - NZCEO

Insert graphic re finance   Next 6-7 years: $53,000,000 to be released for work in schools over the next 6-7 years (due to qualitity founding agreement with MOE) Strategic Direction: An encounter with Christ Governance Finance Partnership - communication, guidance and support, celebrating success Evangelisation - schools supporting students, families, and parishes Formation - identifying leaders, supporting formation, identifying & recruiting leaders, and providing leadership -Working with NCRS - receiving Catholic school response to Special character Partnership - working with government, and givt agencies, advocating representing, informing Need to be dynamic, agressive, in their face - like Elim church

NZCPPA Conference: Leading the Way - Cardinal John Dew

"An Era of Change or a Change of Era" Pope Francis, 2015 A few words can be powerful (eg Trump Twitter) Applying the discipline of a short message can help with clarity. Clear message from the Pope - we need a firm and perervering intention for the good of others - even when they are not to us. Pastors / leaders have plenty of opportunity to be become angry The Joy of Charity - and ability to expand our hearts The Francis Revolution: Messages for our Mission The greater our responsibility in serving the church - the more our hearts must expand according to the measure of the heart of Christ With responsibilty is power. Ted Talk in Canada -the more powerful you are, the more your actions will have an impact on people...importance of humility: Power must be connected with humulty, tenderness and concreete love if it is to become a service , a force for go

NZCPPA Conference: Innivative Practice Session

St Joseph's School New Plymouth Parishes, a rich fabric - and old worn duvet cover with lots of holes Bright Buttons - transition to school Every Wednesday - parent, grandparent, neighbour - mini classroom situation. First time many experience prayer, making the sign of the cross Very few have school visits, as so comfortable already Meal roster 40 families on the roster - on call if someone needs a meal Kept in freezer - staff, etc also benefit Young vinnies Relationship with St Vincent de Paul Seniors only (Year 5&6) - as something to look forward to Instilling a sense of pride - helping others - has to be in own lunch time - show commitment  Fundraisers, etc Communicate their works to the community - feeling valued St Vincent de Paul speech competition Learn about roles, like social workers, etc RE Fun Club Become a place for children sitting on the fringes Make bookmarks Make cards for resthome, etc Made up a liturgical dance for a Mass Present b