The Impossible Dream for Wellington - The Rotary Forum 1 August 2017: Sir Wira Gardiner, Chair, Local Government Commission

Sir Wira Gardiner, Chair, Local Government Commission

·       Three official languages – very few can speak more than one of them

·       Challenge – truly, deeply, fundamentally creative

·       Dreams – reflect what I want for own family – need to be somewhere own family want to come to

·       22 January 1840 – founding of Wellington celebrated, but Whanganui a Tara was founded in the 13th century

·       Cultural Fluency –

o   Declare Wellingto the Te Reo Capital of NZ

o   Many places in Wellingto could be anywhere in the world (airport, hotels, etc)

o   Reflect cultural approach at Airport, street signs, greeting signs, shops and practice on streets

·       Tane Rore

o   The genesis of haka and performing arts

o   Develop further with Te Ati Awa and Toa Rangitira a Māori face to the city

·       Ruamoko (God of earthquakes) Tawhirimatea (climates) Papatuanuku  (earth mother) Tangaroa (seas)

o   Relocate (or replicate) life services out of the central areas – we continue to place ourselves in the face of natural danger without putting protecive steps in place

·       Manaakitanga – a vehicle free city

o   Reduce number of vehicles coming out the city

o   Cteate better public transport options

·       Te Upoko o Te Ika – a regional approach

o   Understand and celebrate the legendary stories of our region
Inclucate the culture of the first settlers


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