The Impossible Dream for Wellington - The Rotary Forum 1 August 2017: Tui Te Hau, GM at Mahuki, Te Papa

Tui Te Hau, GM at Mahuki, Te Papa

·       What would be the one object – one idea that you would collect?

·       Culture tech – 75,000 museums on the world – important place in GDP around the world

·       What want ot eliminate – homelessness, etc

·       Create right inputs to enable future generations to shape what wil be required for them

·       Allow for magic – the unforeseeen, the unimaginable (example of rocket launch on east coast)

·       Guiding principles:

o   Connected worlds – example of digital environment (NY)  - enduring curiosity and need to collaborate to succeed

o   Exploratorium – science displays. Give and take table – what does it say to us as a community if bowl empty or full of trash. We borrow from our children – care for our children

o   Waka – extraorinary feats and leadership – over relience on logic and linear thinking is limiting. Wayfinding. Drawing the island to them, as opposed to travelling to the isalnd

o   The Mona Lisa – small. Digital will became common place – the actual will become more exciting

o   Wellington puts technology to work

o   Singapore gardens – beauty creativity and coexsistence with natural environment


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