Dream for Wellington - The Rotary Forum 1 August 2017: My learnings

A Wellington that supports:

  • Systems built for people - not people fitting into systems
  • Creativity / connectedness / collaboration
  • Opposite of Loneliness
  • Sustainable people, not just sustainable environment
  • Respect for - Ruamoko (God of earthquakes) Tawhirimatea (climates) Papatuanuku  (earth mother) Tangaroa (seas)
  • Working with what we have - don't fight the weather or pretend to be something we are not
  • Adaptability, bravery, creativity
  • Understand and celebrate the legendary stories of our region
  • Allow for magic – the unforeseeen, the unimaginable (example of rocket launch on east coast)
  • Digital will became common place – the actual will become more exciting
  • Give and take table – what does it say to us as a community if bowl empty or full of trash. We borrow from our children – care for our children
  • enduring curiosity
  • Think about purchases - eg - Who made your clothes? Where did they come from? How much are the workers being paid? Under what conditions? What are you going to do differently?
  • Who did you help today?
  • Hope = possibility


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