NZ Catholic Education Convention 2018: The Joy of Catholic Foolishness

The Joy of Catholic Foolishness

Responding to Christ’s Call to Discipleship in the Age of Pope Francis

Daniel P. Horan, OFM, PhD (Catholic Theological Union, Chicago, US)

Take seriously the spiritual witness to foolishness – how can we become fools for Christ?


Jesus – everything he did turned expectations upside down, the suffering messaiah, perplexing, people misunderstand. Parables – take familar contexts and flip them upside down. Loving the unloveable? Forgiving that which was unforgiveable?

Paul – in his first letter, outlines the absurity and foolishness of faith he is proclaiming. I  will destroy the wisdom of the wise... Has not God made fololish the wisdom of the world? God chose what is foolish in the world to shame the wise. Difference between what human-beings (who is, what is important, wise and logical) and what God decides is wise and logical. St paul refers to the wisdom of the world. Paul – what we proclaim as Christians will make absolutely no sense – to proclaim Christ crucified.

Weird Al – creator of popular parodies. Original songs – rediculous, “everything you know is wrong”

We’ve become accustomed to thinking that Christianty is normal and logical, Sensible, comfortable view. Versus radical call that Gospels place for us.

Holy Father, Pope Francis as a Fool – recognises his radical embrace of a key Christian value.

·        Radical call of Christian Discipleship – what it means to be a Christian. Called to become fools for God. Foolish with time, healthm security, words, mercy, love –

·        According to logic of the world – the Pope should be more concerned about international matters, than everyday people. Should be more careful with his timetable, activities, risks, redtours, security, tow the line, judge discerningly for the church. Seeks to express kindness – care for others and the mercy of God before all else.

·        Serving measn working alongside the neediest of people. Solidarity = our word. Serving measn recognising, seeking roads together. Real paths – mercy – demands justice, that the poor find the way to be poor no longer. Requires effort, hard work.

·        “Serving measn recognising and accepting requests for justice and hope” – Pope francis

Social Justice = embracing Gospel Foolishness

·        Prophet Micah 6:8 – was question posed by the people  - what is it that God wants from us?

·        His answer – to do justice and to love kindness and to walk humbly with your God. Foolish? Illogical as the world does not value these things.

·        Outside of our schools there is not a lot of acceptance of us wearing our hearts on our sleeves for our faith. Foolish to admit that you are wrong – settling out of court, etc.

·        Cannot be a Christian by yourself.

·        “Walking is one of my favorite words when I think about a Christina and about the Church” pope Francis.

·        A foolish and vulnerable was to walk the road of humility.

To become fools for Christ (Jesus = best lay minister. If jesus can do it – we can do it):

·        We have been annointed, just as Jesus was

·        Bring good news to the poor...pastorally through our ministery:

o   I can work to provide sigth and insight to those blinded by greed, power

o   I can work to free those trappend by discrimination, abuse

o   I can do something about the choices I make and the way I engage with others

o   Requires being perceived  / dimissed as a fool


Judgment, Fairness, Foregiveness

Matthew 13:24-30

Don’t pull out the weeds – becuase the grain will die. Let both the weeds and the grain grow together – then burn the weeds and gather the wheat into the barn

We can’t judge a book by its cover – we are not able to discern. Only God can judge the truth.

Parable of two sons – work n the field, then decides not to. The other says no, then changes his mind.

If we were to stop at the superficial – the first son would get our applause. We are too quick to rush in. Our problem students, parents, teachers – let things happen in God’s time. Let things play out – God sees deep within.

Land owner hires workers – sent into vineyard. Then saw others standing idle in the market. All received the usual daily wage. Grumbled. Friend I am doing you no wrong. Take what belongs to you and go – I chose to give them the same. Am I not allowed to do what I want with my money? Last will be first. First will be last.

Sense of fairness masks over our righteousness. If I can’t be first – it’s simply not fair.

God’s wisdom – what is fair / not fair does not align with worldly sense – all people given what is necessary for human floursihing, not what we think thaey are worth.

So many around us suffer under the weight of injustice.

Matthew 25: 31-46 – Son of man on his throne in all his glory – goats and sheep at right and left. I was hungry and you gave me food, ...

Righteous will answer - when was it? Just as you did it to the least of my family, you did it to me.

Other side – you will be cast out. You did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to me.

Wisdom of world – you should be afraid! Mistakes will draw Jesus’ attention to us = punishment. A trickster – under cover boss. You should be scared. Constantly testing us against rules.

Wisdom of God – underlying sign of hope in this parable. Who does and does not accept responsibility. Ask for forgiveness – God will extend. Self-selecting process. Goats and sheep had no idea. Take responsibility – say soryy. Don’t bllame others. If only you told us!

Accept responsibility for what we have done, and what we have failed to do.

Pope Francis
We are called to be holy - living our lives with love. Echoes Jesus - remaining in the world, just not 'of' the world - model and teach to our students, Engaged Christianty - live in the world according to the wisdom of God.
Joy of Christian Follishness


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