NZ Catholic Education Convention 2018: Catholic Schools and the Possibility of God

Catholic Schools and the Possibility of God

Professor Br. David Hall, NZ Catholic University

What is going on in the minds in the minds of the young people we are educating?

Michael Sandel (Author of 'Boy in the Bubble'):
From a market economy comes a market society/
"There is nothing money can't buy"
If we continue on our current trajectory, what will be in our future?

Pope Francis challenges us...

Michael Paul Gallagher: Secularism = individualism

What sort of worl have we left our young people?

Self-esteem has become "all about me" - sugar-coating, polyanna-ism, 1:1,000,000 message.
But the problem with specialness = If I'm special, others must be less special.

Everyone is made in the image and likeness of God: Ubunto - I am, because we are.  UBUNTU - It is a term that needs to be remembered. Ubuntu, also known as Unhu in other parts of Africa, is an ethical philosophy held by many...

wens almal kon hierdie verstaan en toepas

We are losing our Religion: Kiwis are loosing the faith in record numbers. People are still craving spiriruality - just not organised religion.

Mindfulness has a big following, and has many benefits - but the trouble with mindfulness is that it helps centre on me, for me.

Can our catholic schools pose that, "God is possible" to the world?

Laudato Si (Pope Francis) is not just about the environment. We are called to a new way of being humane.
God wanted to tell people what God is like = Jesus Christ, human, humane
We are not human beings on a spiritual journey, but spiritual beings on a human journey

Knowledge of Jesus and his values is not enough  - we have to have a relationship with him.
We cannot be Christlike alone. When we are in a relationship with Jesus, we can learn to be like him.
That I might be like Christ to the World.
Death = life is changed, not ended.
Cathedral of Los Angeles - Communion of Saints - could be our neighbour
Draw our young people into the communion of saints.
You have to keep chopsing to be catholic - not everyting we do (or have done) is great.
Being catholic is a bit like being in an important loving relationship
Lifts your spirits & brekas your heart
in equal measures
We need one another to understand that we carry God within us. Mary did not understand why she was carrying Jesus until she met with her cousin Elizabeth, who was also carry a child even though she was well past child-bearing age.


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