NZ catholic Education Convention 2018: A corporate take on Catholic leadership

Keynote: Dame Therese Walsh

A corporate take on Catholic leadership

Being different – celebrate (we are not very good at this in NZ).

Talking about being Catholic – a taboo subject in teh corporate world. Preference is for your actions to tell the stroy, rather than sermonising – brings ‘catholic’ humour into conversation to break the ice.

Sport – close to politics, intense, media-grabbing, important to Nzers. Reslience – one of the most critical skills. Sports gives this in huge qualntities. You will know how well you did, based on what is in the media the following day.

If you do what you say you are going to do – then you have the right to take people on the journey – provide the aspiration. People can smell it when you coast in yur roles – doing what needs to be done, but no more.

What will it look like in 6 years when I walk out the door – and what will they say about me as the leader?

Going the extra mile is really important from a leadership perspective. Dealing with people’s issues is a really important thing to have to deal to – engaging, acknowledging family, etc Empathy, ability to discuss things that are important. This is an important skill we gain from the catholic education system. Service orientation.

What is your brand? Your brand as a leader makes you stand out.

Important in future in Catholic Education – digital, service orientation integrated into the curriculum – give a point of difference

Catholic education makes a mark on the multi-layering of people

Governance journey:

1.      School boards

2.      Charity

3.      Government agencies

4.      Other


Resliency / Facing adversity:

·        Match-fit

·        No one is going to die

·        The sun will come up on the morning

·        Dont overreact now that have experience

·        Have a mantra

·        When not coping – wait on that thought for a while, and will grow calmer


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