Kāhui Ako Hui

Organisation and Change

How might we?

Reasons to engage with theoretical change models:
  1. Give a shared language
  2. Tools - to design methods for problem-solving (The change process graphic). over time can see patterns and know which tools to use

Three Change Models:

Kurt Lewin - create minor levels of guilt and anxiety - who is interacting with whom, around what? Tackling forst phase of change. Try to get behaviour change from each person involved. Need to actively dispel rumours (water cooler conversations: What is happening with kahui Ako? is it still happening?  - why not maintain focus even if system chnages)
Force Field Analysis - enable s ot make structured decisions. Bring another person to the table. Driving forces ned to be strengthened, or resisting forces weakened to make change.

Mindtools.com https://www.mindtools.com/

Kotter - Eight Step Model - how increase urgency to act - develop scenarios, look for opportunities / resources that can be exploited, If leaders can't describe in a couple of key sentences, you haven't got a hope. using all the time. A coalition - building coalition of influential people - who can help and tie things back to that purpose? Short term wins. If can't get short term wins that matter to people - they start to drift back because they can't see some success / purpose for the meetings / busy-ness

Complexity Theory - Attracters. opposite of top-down - lots of autonomus individuals that are part pf the environment - moving and growing. As the enrvironment changes, we change - we influence and limit eachothers' actions - be deliberate about the environment you structure. Create an environment to cross-olintate discussion. Change the interactions that happen in it. Looking for things that emerge - observing and watching what t emergeging. Bringing intelligence out and together.

Butterfly effect - unpredictable patterns - a very small change in predictable conditions can lead to a massive unpredictable change later. Butterfly flapping wings - could end up as massive weather pattern acrosss the world. What have we done / what will we do in our Kāhui Ako to energise things for people involved?

ideas from other COLs:
  • collectively getting agencies (oranga tamariki / MOE to listen to the collective stories from the COL)
  • looking at learning support across COL - a register of need across the community - looing at the biggest issues
  • School inquiries  - created time by secondary school students interviewing primary students
  • Pooling funds to enable whole day hui across schools
  • using preschool spaces for PLD - bring the early childhood onboard
  • principals a night away together - enhance relationship, sharing what has been happening


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