Kāhui Ako Hui

Analysing your Current Situation for Collective advantage

(Brian Annan)

Context-specific trends

A new future - New structure for connected schools - or same old, same old?

How do you make sure it's not flipped? (see graphic)

Understandning the busy-ness of people's lives

A shift in focus - how do we frame the type of learning that the kids want to get involved in?

Learning is the entire community - not just kids

Achievement Challenge Documents:

early days of AC documents = what do we need to fix?
Now - what is important for all students to learn?

What is pur story? How will we take agency?

Early days:
  • Achievement challenges, maths, ready and writing
  • Qualtitive data - need to move 5% of our Māori boys, etc
  • Pre-set goals and strategies
  • We know that this is entrirely boring - need to move hardder and longer

Second phase:
  • Links between learning challenges and underlying factors
  • quantitative and qualititative data
  • process towards co-constructed strategies

(see Golder Bay Achievement Challenges)

Third Phase - more recent:
  • Links between learning concepts
  • weaving together local to global learning trends
  • Strategising negotiated with  community collaborators and supports set up by strategic leaders (not done by original designers - Principals not responsible for creating strategies)
(See Pupuke Kāhui Ako Learning Framework - if work on KCs, wellbeing, community engagement - achievement will improve. Principals created frame - across school leads changed - in school teachers changed again)

(see South easter Faith-based Kāhui Ako Learning Framework)

Next Level:
(see Local to global learning framework graphic)

If kids hate matsh - take to airport with a pilot, and get excited about flying, and the maths involved. Interest-based.

Document = Learning Framework, rather than Achievement Challenge - the MOE is endorsing these new approaches. Open the door - create what we think will work for our community and put it on the table. MOE is learning also. Evidence-based practice that is going to make a difference.

(Learning framework priorities graphic)

Are we prepared to elimiate stuff that is not necessary?

(matrix of perspectives in learning graphic)
negotiating / controlling / let things evolve / free up learners


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