Kāhui Ako Hui

Reflection on the day

Take agency to poke around the boundaries of different Kāhui Ako - NZ wide systems change

We don't want one Kāhui Ako to tb the best in the world - and leave others behind. Better than breaking rocks on your own

Create connections across groups - through technology / face to face

Theme across the 3 Hui across the country - if you are in a cage, you can open the door / window - and move out - take agency and make it happen - don't need permission to oush out the boundaries of what is working - ask kids to take more responsibilities and risks - take risks your self

Don't create conscientious compliance - need courage and critical capabilities

System-Wide Education

Key values graphic

Need to participate in the online public survey education.govt.nz - education cenversation
 - share widely, parents (?)
Survey live tomorrow - curriculum progress and achievement survey- get involved


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