NZPF Conference: Prof Alma Harris

Questioning 'High Performance'

Context - Change - Connections

High performance = success of every child in every setting?
High Performance is relative - it depends

Caution about attribution on any particular country
Distortions in Policy making (PISA)
Decontextualized policy borrowing = outcome of PISA
Contradiction - Asians want to go to university elsewhere (including NZ) - why?

Using one measure to rank a system is ludicrous

Is a measure so important that we want to distort what we do? Is this what we want for our children?
"The more we standardise education systems, the more they look the same" Do we want that?

Look beyond the data and seek deeper explanations

importance of Leadership quality + teaching quality

True leaders don't create followers, they create leaders
It is easy to improve schools, but difficult to sustain improvement
Collective Responsibility for improvement (Tower Hamlet concept an example

Change leaders - focus on the right things, not the latest things

Collaboration with impact - needs, ability, knowledge, skills to make work
Need to prepare teachers to work together - not assume they will be capable

Real potential for high performance resides within the system, not outside it


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