NZPF Conference: Cathy Wylie

Self-Managing Schools

Current Strengths:

  • school framed as a community
  • Particularity is respected (principals and teachers not assigned by seniority or cost)
  • fertile ground to take the initiative
  • understanding that change will not come unless a school values it


  • insularity
  • isolation
  • re-invention of wheels
  • expecting availability of capability
  • expecting individuals to solve issues alone


  • Policy focussed on learning
  • coherent leadership development

NZ Curriculum can strengthen our system

Question - What are the measures we could have to measure our progress? Can't just fall back on literacy and Numeracy because these have measures

 In School We have Control of:

  • Time Alocation
  • Inquiry to improve
  • Openness Valued

Across Schools we have control of:

  • shared purpose
  • openness
  • inquiry
  • identification of students
  • power of collaboration



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