NZPF Conference: Michael Fullan

Convergence for Moving Forward

  • External Pressure of Targets doesn't work - as has short shelf life
  • Networks are not the answer per se - the network needs to be led effectively, or could be blind leading the blind
"If you want to change the group, use the group to change the group"
  • Best indicator of success = people talking the walk
What is my role in Transforming the System?
NZ as a family - don't wasn't to compete within our own family (school to school, etc)
New Zealand led the world in 1989, and can do the same now.

School Autonomy - leadership from the middle
Top-Down doesn't work
Bottom-up doesn't work
"Symplexity" - working through the simple to solve the complex issues

System change...
  1. Each part of middle gets better internally
  2. Get better laterally - helping those in the network
  3. Become better partners upward to the state
The Essentials of Effective Collaboration...
  1. Develop high trust relationships
  2. Focus on ambitious student learning outcomes
  3. Continually improving instructional practice through cycles of collaborative inquiry
  4. Using deliberate leadership and skilled facilitation with flat power structures
  5. Frequent interacting and looking inwards
  6. Connecting outwards to learn from others
  7. Forming new partnerships - students, families, and teachers
  8. Securing adequate resources to sustain
Change Leadership Priorities
  • Ability to innovate and implement
  • Ability to surround themselves within a talented team
  • Collaboration
  • Ability to manage to outcomes
Measure Impact for Causal pathway reasons, not accountability reasons

You cannot mandate what matters

Follow Up: You Tube Clip:

1. Principal as lead learner: Principals with biggest impact = participate as learners with teachers in moving the school forward. Leading, but not dominating
2. Principal as System player: Interact with others in district, schools around - contribute to the betterment of the system
3. Principal as Change Agent = push and Pull skills - challenge status quo, how do we build sustainability, etc


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