
Showing posts from May, 2018

Kāhui Ako Hui

Reflection on the day Take agency to poke around the boundaries of different Kāhui Ako - NZ wide systems change We don't want one Kāhui Ako to tb the best in the world - and leave others behind. Better than breaking rocks on your own Create connections across groups - through technology / face to face Theme across the 3 Hui across the country - if you are in a cage, you can open the door / window - and move out - take agency and make it happen - don't need permission to oush out the boundaries of what is working - ask kids to take more responsibilities and risks - take risks your self Don't create conscientious compliance - need courage and critical capabilities System-Wide Education Key values graphic Need to participate in the online public survey - education cenversation  - share widely, parents (?) Survey live tomorrow - curriculum progress and achievement survey- ge...

Kāhui Ako Hui

Organisation and Change How might we? Reasons to engage with theoretical change models: Give a shared language Tools - to design methods for problem-solving (The change process graphic). over time can see patterns and know which tools to use Three Change Models: Kurt Lewin - create minor levels of guilt and anxiety - who is interacting with whom, around what? Tackling forst phase of change. Try to get behaviour change from each person involved. Need to actively dispel rumours (water cooler conversations: What is happening with kahui Ako? is it still happening?  - why not maintain focus even if system chnages) Force Field Analysis - enable s ot make structured decisions. Bring another person to the table. Driving forces ned to be strengthened, or resisting forces weakened to make change. Kotter - Eight Step Model - how increase urgency to act - develop scenarios, look for opportunities / resources that can be exploited, If l...

Kāhui Ako Hui

Moving Towards a Learning Framework How? 2 Mindsets: Too much going on - VS - Give to busy people graphic. World view: Our workd is a mess (volatile mix, uncertain, complex) - VS - Our world evolves Give humans a serious challenge and watch things get better) Out in front - vs- catch-up mode graphic Every organisation has its own unique characterstics - all work together, and have a feedback loop - no-one got the last advantage Cross-school and in-school leads - create opportunities to share gems and spread across the whole community, rather than a small group. Collective Advantage - Kāhui Ako there is already come collaboration within schools (teacher / teacher, family to family, student to student)- goal is to Increase level of horizontal learning / lateral learning across the schools. really busy collaboration - buy-in, come up with findings. Some more useful and applicable than others - some worked, and some didn't work, but gained some interesting learnin...

Kāhui Ako Hui

Analysing your Current Situation for Collective advantage (Brian Annan) Context-specific trends A new future - New structure for connected schools - or same old, same old? How do you make sure it's not flipped? (see graphic) Understandning the busy-ness of people's lives A shift in focus - how do we frame the type of learning that the kids want to get involved in? Learning is the entire community - not just kids Achievement Challenge Documents: early days of AC documents = what do we need to fix? Now - what is important for all students to learn? What is pur story? How will we take agency? Early days: Achievement challenges, maths, ready and writing Qualtitive data - need to move 5% of our Māori boys, etc Pre-set goals and strategies We know that this is entrirely boring - need to move hardder and longer Second phase: Links between learning challenges and underlying factors quantitative and qualititative data process towards co-constructed s...