
Showing posts from July, 2015

NZPF Conference: Prof Diane Ravitch

Words of Warning form the U.S. Global Education Reform Movement (GERM) - about privatisation, not education Messages: schools are failing need to take steps public schools are no good charter schools, no unions, are the solution Testing industry profitable - Pearson Conferences about how to make money in education Strong push to profit from Education High Stakes testing (pearson test) 'Opt Out' Movement - parents refusing to allow their children to be tested, so that the scores cannot be used to evaluate schools and teachers

NZPF Conference: Prof Alma Harris Questioning 'High Performance' Context - Change - Connections Context High performance = success of every child in every setting? High Performance is relative - it depends Caution about attribution on any particular country Distortions in Policy making (PISA) Decontextualized policy borrowing = outcome of PISA Contradiction - Asians want to go to university elsewhere (including NZ) - why? Using one measure to rank a system is ludicrous Is a measure so important that we want to distort what we do? Is this what we want for our children? "The more we standardise education systems, the more they look the same" Do we want that? Look beyond the data and seek deeper explanations Change importance of Leadership quality + teaching quality True leaders don't create followers, they create leaders It is easy to improve schools, but difficult to sustain improvement Collective Re...

NZPF Conference: Prof Meg Maguire At the Centre of the Storm "have faith in yourself, have faith in your school, have faith in your professionalism and don't be budged from it" How not to do it - UK system Competitive behaviour has been incentivised (Peter Mortimore, 2013 p157) Reforms: baseline testing in schools introduced failure of tests = re-do again and again Fear and oppression = schools required to meet benchmarks or be taken over Business jargon = standards, benchmarks, performance

NZPF Conference: Michael Fullan Convergence for Moving Forward External Pressure of Targets doesn't work - as has short shelf life Emphasise CAPICITY BUILDING Networks are not the answer per se - the network needs to be led effectively, or could be blind leading the blind "If you want to change the group, use the group to change the group" Best indicator of success = people talking the walk What is my role in Transforming the System? NZ as a family - don't wasn't to compete within our own family (school to school, etc) New Zealand led the world in 1989, and can do the same now. School Autonomy - leadership from the middle Top-Down doesn't work Bottom-up doesn't work "Symplexity" - working through the simple to solve the complex issues System change... Each part of middle gets better internally Get better laterally - helping those in the network Become better partners upward to th...

NZPF Conference: Dr Peter Cammock The Dance of Leadership Choose the emergent good and possibility positivity choose openness Are we going to perpetuate the pattern of the past or speak to the possibilities of the future that is about to emerge? leaders - invite people to be part of the big "why" - The listen, engage, inspire, invigorate Managers - command and control 1. Self responsibility: Wake up (mindfulness) - Stand-up (courageous conversations)  "no one is coming" - who will deal with it? Making choices - choose happiness (3:1), choose meaning Self-acceptance the foundation Give up the victim mode and look life in the face 2. Choosing Meaning (meaning and calling) Meaning - as product of passion and purpose and emergence = Calling

NZPF Conference: Steve Mararey Difficult to be forward thinking in a system that doesn't allow you to do that. However, we have the potential NZ Curriculum is the Tool - effective teaching, evidence, formative assessment, future-proofing Ways of seeing - what we know and believe from what we see - ideology...what's your preferred style?... 1. Passing on accumulated knowledge... content and instruction assumes an ordered world Plato ...however, we live amongst complexity and disorder ...not getting slower - getting faster Who will thrive? Critical thinkers, etc (see NZ Curriculum) 2. Creating and Applying knowledge constructing competences assumes a complex disordered world Castalls, Lyotard, Robinson - The contest = instruction v/s construction 3. Personalised learning (not individualised) students are active, informed participants in their own learn learner contributes to decisions about why, how, and what they learn ...

NZPF Conference: Chris Jansen While in education we are brilliant at: co-construction collaboration partnership collective impact ... is this really the goal?? Rationale? efficiency? innovation? Incentivise collaboration Collective Vision

NZPF Conference: Cathy Wylie Self-Managing Schools Current Strengths: school framed as a community Particularity is respected (principals and teachers not assigned by seniority or cost) fertile ground to take the initiative understanding that change will not come unless a school values it Challenges: insularity isolation re-invention of wheels expecting availability of capability expecting individuals to solve issues alone Coherence: Policy focussed on learning coherent leadership development NZ Curriculum can strengthen our system Question - What are the measures we could have to measure our progress? Can't just fall back on literacy and Numeracy because these have measures  In School We have Control of: Time Alocation Inquiry to improve Openness Valued Across Schools we have control of: shared purpose openness inquiry identification of students power of collaboration  

NZPF Conference: Prof Angus Macfarlane The story of Māori in NZ Education Take note of Māori knowledge                     (McRae, Macfarlane - new writing) Things have changed since we trained - children can witness wars on TV, etc Pearce, C. (1994). The importance of classroom climate for at-risk learners. SET Special, Item 10, Wgtn NZCER (The Magic of Mary Morgan). Ngā Pūmanawa e Waru o Te Arawa The Qualities of High Achieving Māori students: Identity...Relationships...Well-being...Humility --------------------------------------------------------- Diligence...Innovation...Scholarship...Values