Wellington Regional Primary Principal's Conference

 Key Notes:

  • Dr Paul Wood, Doctor of Psychology spent almost 11 years behind bars before realising the ingredients required to successfully strive towards our potential, navigate change and flourish through adversity.

  • Jehan Casinader, one of New Zealand’s leading journalists will provide a challenging and enlightening perspective on the power of storytelling leaving you with practical tools to help you to reshape your own story.

  • Paul Rangiwahia is a wellbeing advocate and will give insight on how you can experience inner peace and fulfilment.

  • Kathryn Berkett, neuroscience and trauma expert will ask you - do you have difficulty 'switching off' in the evening? Waking mid-night with reoccurring thoughts of work? Kathryn will unpack the neuroscience of Self-Care.

  • Sue Johnston, Professional and Personal Development Coach, will share her skill set to address the discomfort associated with stretch and growth as you explore and develop your leadership potential.


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