Leadership Reflection from two days of PLD

  • focus on the environment / change the environment - to reduce stressors, rather than focussing on the anxiety of the person / staff member
  • Stressors impact behaviours:
    • long term
    • short term
  • Stressors impacts physical self / health
  • Autonomy of self + Connected with others = connected autonomy
  • Collaboration should be the focus, not just the means
  • strive for purpose / specificity / practice-shift
  • Stop / Pause / Reflect:
    • self
    • organisation
  • Seekers reap rewards
    • but providers pay a price
  • Quality + Quantity of discussion
  • 'Gate Keepers' (DPS, Middle Leaders) - guarding the realities from honest review
  • Leadership training/mentoring matters
  • Take care of self first


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