Issues Surrounding the
Integration of Mathematics with Other Learning Areas
Mary-Angela Tombs
Mary-Angela Tombs
The Ministry of Education (MOE) proposes that education should makes
links within and across the eight Learning Areas in its key guiding document,
The New Zealand Curriculum, or NZC (MOE, 2007). This document suggests that by
making such links, educators allow pathways for future learning to be opened up
to leaners. However, the gap between theory and practice is evidenced within current
literature related to the integration of the learning areas.
The argument for an integrated approach to learning is not new.
In as early as 1916, Dewey promoted learning that was responsive and authentic. Dewey’s thinking about an integrated approach to learning stemmed from his own experience of segregated subject areas:
In as early as 1916, Dewey promoted learning that was responsive and authentic. Dewey’s thinking about an integrated approach to learning stemmed from his own experience of segregated subject areas:
Almost everyone has had occasion to look back upon his
schooldays and wonder what has become of the knowledge he was supposed to have
amassed during his years of schooling...but it was so segregated when it was acquired
and hence is so disconnected from the rest of experience that it is not
available under the actual conditions of life (Dewey 1938, as cited in Beane,
1997, p.6).
The purpose of this essay is to critically explore current debate
associated with the integration of mathematics with other learning areas.
Literature related to the impact of integration in terms of teacher confidence,
students’ academic outcomes and attitudes to mathematics is explored,
contrasted and compared. Perspectives from research are evaluated in relation
to the writer’s professional experience in order to highlight the strengths and
limitations of this literature. Critical perspectives explored are in relation
to: technical knowledge needed for integration, pedagogical considerations of
integration, and integration to support mathematical content knowledge. Finally
this essay investigates models of integration as presented by current
literature in order to offer a practical perspective to this debate.
Technical Knowledge Needed
for Mathematics Integration
Technical knowledge in this case applies to an understanding of what
the technique of integration involves.
Many researchers assert that there is ambiguity in education as to what
constitutes integration between learning areas (Bosse & Faulconer, 2008;
Douville, Pugalee & Wallace, 2003; Fraser, Aitken, Price & Whyte, n.d.;
Stinson, Harkness, Meyer & Stallworth, 2009).
When referring to ambiguity related to integrating science and
mathematics, Stinson, Harkness, Meyer and Stallworth (2009) promote the need
for teacher professional learning to uncover teacher differences in perceptions
about integration as a starting point.
From here, a clearer understanding can be developed about what
constitutes integration. They also stress the need to provide content-specific
support within each discipline so that teachers feel more confident to
integrate mathematics and science.
Within an integrated literacy context, Douville, Pugalee and Wallace
(2003) state that there is confusion about integrating writing and reading with
mathematics. While some teachers perceive that integration involves reading and
writing about mathematics, others approach integration from the
perspective of reading and writing in mathematics. The place of reading
and writing in a mathematics programme is explored in more detail later in this
paper. This example further illustrates a level of ambiguity about integration,
but as a teacher grows in experience, one may consider they are in a better
place to integrate the learning areas more effectively.
Naidoo’s (2010) research highlights the impact of teacher experience
and expertise as a determining factor of teacher willingness to integrate
different learning areas. This research explores experienced teacher perception
that if subjects are integrated, they somehow loose a sense of ‘purity’ in that
mixing knowledge waters down the learning. This notion is in contrast to that
promoted within the NZC (MOE, 2007), which states that in Years One to Six
“teaching and learning programmes are developed through a wide range of
experiences across all learning areas, with a focus on literacy and numeracy
along with the development of values and key competencies" (p.41).
Therefore, if teachers lack clarity about how to integrate mathematics
with other learning areas, or they are well qualified in a particular
discipline and reluctant to ‘water down’ that learning area, the success of
integration is likely to be undermined. Merely considering the technical
aspects of mathematics integration is not enough. It is necessary to make
decisions about teaching and learning, based on sound pedagogy.
Pedagogical Considerations
of Integration
When considering the pedagogical aspects of integration between
mathematics and other learning areas, it is appropriate to consider how the
integration of mathematics will benefit the students academically. However, it
is important not to reflect solely on academic benefits. In a culturally
responsive environment, educators consider social and emotional benefits of
individuals and the group as a whole.
According to many writers, there is little research to prove that
integrating learning areas improves academic results (Douville, Pugalee &
Wallace, 2003; Fraser, Aitken, Price & Whyte, n.d.). However other research
can be linked with the benefits of integration through association. For
example, Ross and Hogaboam-Gray (1998) claim that integration leads to greater
levels of collaboration between students within a group. Lee, McLoughlin and Chan’s (2008) research
indicates that collaboration within learning that
focuses on facilitating development of learning-centred dialogue between
students, helps students to co-construct knowledge, thereby enhancing learning
outcomes. According to Laal and Ghodsi
(2012), collaborative learning also strengthens attachment and leads to higher
levels of social competence and greater self-esteem. Creating a
collaborative learning environment, where individuals support one another in
order to learn together and benefit the whole learning community is also a
culturally sound practice (Bishop & Berryman,
Further to associated benefits of integration and collaboration, Ross
and Hogaboam-Gray’s (1998) research, compares non-integrated contexts with
integrated approaches to learning, and shows a clear link between integration
and self-efficacy. This research demonstrates that within an integrated context,
where students work collaboratively to investigate shared projects, lower
levels of reluctance are evident. Whereas in a non-integrative context some
students are reluctant to participate due to lower ability in these areas. It
could be argued, however, that it is not the integration per se that leads to
increased participation, but other factors such as teacher effectiveness, relevant
contexts, or the collaborative nature of the learning experiences.
Ross and Hogaboam-Gray (1998) also report that by integrating
different learning areas, students are able to draw on their knowledge of one
subject area to support them in learning about another subject area. For
example, when learning how to construct a graph to present results, the
mathematical and statistical knowledge in this area can help a student to
compare results within a scientific investigation. This finding is corroborated
by more recent research by Douville, Pugalee and Wallace (2003) who also assert
that integration helps teachers to learn, as they make connections between
Integration to Support
Mathematical Content Knowledge
While students who follow an integrated learning approach to solve
problems are likely to benefit academically, emotionally and socially, there is
significant pressure on teachers to focus on the content knowledge that
students need in order to carry out assessment limited to specific learning
areas. According to Ross & Hogaboam-Gray (1998), this can result in
teachers focusing on these skills rather than providing the broad mathematical
education that results from practical investigations.
While focus on particular skills for assessment is typically a
secondary school phenomenon, this pressure now extends to primary schools in
New Zealand with the introduction of National Standards in Mathematics (MOE,
2012). In my experience, while primary school education provides an ideal
context for integration, there is now reluctance among primary school teachers
to integrate subject areas, because of the pressures they face to ensure
students meet standards. Ironically, the National Standards indicate a need to
assess across the curriculum within the context of normal classroom practices
in order to establish an overall teacher judgment, rather than assessing merely
on the basis of a mathematics test.
Measuring student progress and achievement against the National Standards
in Mathematics (MOE, 2012) requires teachers to use realistic examples of
mathematical content knowledge being used in everyday situations. For example,
one illustration to measure student achievement in mathematics after their
first two years at school involves making a decision about how many stamps on a
number of letters. Not only are the students required to match one to one, but they
also require knowledge about what a stamp is and what it is used for, and what
it means to post a letter in order to make sense of the task. Integrating all
of these aspects of a mathematical task requires a huge, yet totally realistic
integration of content knowledge between learning areas. However, in my
experience, teachers are reluctant to draw on all learning areas for assessment
against National Standards (MOE, 2012).
Bosse and Faulconer (2008), and Douville, Pugalee and Wallace (2003)
refer to the integration between learning areas for helping to build
understanding in mathematics. Bosse and Faulconer assert that students benefit
from specific instruction in reading and writing in relation to mathematical
tasks. Typically, mathematical texts challenge students with a context-specific
type of text layout, as well as use of content-specific vocabulary and sentence
structures. Students need to develop the ability to quickly move their focus
from one part of a page to another and back again, in order to relate the text
to the provided illustrations, graphs, etc. They also need to be able to translate
numbers into words and vice versa and to interpret symbols quickly.
Bosse and Faulconer (2008) insist that these skills cannot be
developed effectively without integrating the content knowledge inherent with
understanding written language. This view is corroborated by Ell, Smith,
Stensness and Major (in Averill & Harvey, 2010), who descibe the complex
process of acquiring mathematical language as a journey:
When children begin to learn mathematics in educational
settings they are continuing a cognitive journey from informal, everyday
understanding about their world to the formality and abstraction of school
mathematics. Part of this journey involves mastering a new vocabulary and
symbol system – the special language of mathematics (p.207).
Ell, Smith, Stensness and Major (in Averill & Harvey, 2010)
refer to students beginning to learn mathematics, but it can be argued that
mastering mathematical vocabulary and symbols remains relevant throughout a
student’s learning in mathematics, with the vocabulary becoming more complex
and the symbols more specialised.
While the practice of integration between learning areas is not prevalent
in most secondary settings where teaching is focused on segregated subjects in
order to prepare for assessments, one school in Auckland, New Zealand has
experimented and found success with a learner-responsive integrated approach to
learning and teaching. Alfriston College curriculum leaders collaborate to
blend learning areas within a relevant and authentic context (
Therefore, as evidenced by Alfriston College,
when schools are prepared to innovate, based on sound research and collective
experience, integration can be successful and rewarding, even at a secondary
school level.
To summarise, the content knowledge within mathematics can only be
developed by integrating across learning areas. One could argue that the level
of integration detailed here is logical and assumed, yet there is opposition to
changing school systems in order to recognise this logic. Once again, perhaps
this comes down to teacher perception of what integration actually means.
Models of Integration
According to recent literature by Brough (2008) there are two forms
that integration takes: subject-centred integration, and student-centred
integration. The first of these takes a thematic approach, making connections
across learning areas in order to fully investigate a theme or topic. In this
model, the teacher chooses the topics and the investigation is thoroughly
teacher planned, well in advance. The student-centred integration model is also
thematically based, but investigates an authentic context to solve a real
problem or investigate emergent phenomena. Brough advocates the student-centred
approach and makes reference to the work of Dewey, referred to earlier within
this essay. This model allows for the students to drive the process, rather
than teachers pre-determining it.
Burgess (in Averill and Harvey, 2010) also promotes an enquiry-based
cyclic approach for teaching statistical thinking, although the activity
examples he describes are a combination of subject-centred and student-centred
in that the initial topic for investigation, in the form of a problem, is
pre-determined by the teacher but becomes student-driven as it develops into an
Averill, Taiwhati and Te Maro (in Averill and Harvey, 2010) make
links between subject-centred integration and cultural responsiveness. The
activities they present focus on aspects of Te Ao Māori (a Māori world view) by incorporating Te
Reo Māori and other appropriate heritage languages representative of the
students in the class into mathematics. They also incorporate aspects of
tikanga: Māori tradition and customs. While these activities are rich
experiences that integrate literacy and numeracy by including Te Reo, learning languages,
english, mathematics and social sciences, Averill,
Taiwhati and Te Maro make no mention of the fact that the activities are
intended to integrate learning areas – it just happens naturally. This can be
typical of a New Zealand primary school setting where the classroom teacher is
responsible for curriculum coverage and ensuring that the learning is relevant
to the backgrounds and needs of the students. However, my experience is that
such integration is limited in practice even within the context of my
multicultural school. One could argue that teachers not only feel pressure from
standards, but they are reluctant to change their own practice, and do not
fully understand the benefits and culturally responsive practice associated
with integration across learning areas.
Perhaps, the secondary school
dilemma of low teacher skill, confidence and understanding, as reported by Naidoo
(2010) , is also a barrier to integration of mathematics at a primary level. Bosse
and Faulconer (2008) acknowledge the level of skill and effort invested on the
part of the teacher when integrating literacy and mathematics, but state,
“Although reading and writing in mathematics may necessitate more skills and
practice to master, the mathematical learning derived from reading and writing
mathematics far outweighs the burden it places on teachers and students” (p.8).
This essay has unpacked several
issues related to the integration of mathematics with other learning areas.
Literature related to the technical knowledge, pedagogical knowledge and
content knowledge of mathematics has been contrasted and compared in order to
identify such issues. The issues explored have included: abiguity about
integration techniques, teacher confidence, and teacher reluctance. Several
positive outcomes of integration have been detailed including those related to
collaborative learning, cultural responsiveness and student confidence.
Two models of integration sourced
within literatured have been detailed. A position that teacher confidence is
key to the successful integration of mathematics has been presented, with suggestion
that professional learning should illuminate teacher perceptions as a strating
point for learning about effective integration.
Averill, R., &
Harvey, R. Eds.). (2010). Teaching
primary school mathematics and statistics: Evidence-based practice. Wellington:
NZCER Press.
Beane, J. (1997). Curriculum
integration: designing the core of democratic education. New York and London:
Teachers College Press, Columbia University.
Bishop, R.
& Berryman, M. (2009). The Te kotahitanga effective teaching profile. Set,
2, 27-33.
Bosse, M., & Faulconer, J.
(2008). Learning and assessing mathematics through reading and writing. School
Science and Mathematics, 108(1), 8-19.
Brough, C. (2008).
Student-centred curriculum integration and The New Zealand Curriculum, Set,
2, 16-21.
Douville, P., Pugalee, D.,
& Wallace, J. (2003). Examining instructional practices of elementary
science teachers for mathematics and literacy integration. School Science
and Mathematics, 103(8). 388-396.
Fraser, D., Aitken, V., Price,
G., & Whyte, B. (n.d.). Connecting curriculum; connecting learning;
negotiating and the arts. Retrieved 21 June, 2012, from
Laal, M.,
& Ghodsi, S. (2012). Benefits of collaborative learning. Procedia -
Social and Behavioural Sciences, 31, 486-490.
Lee, M.,
McLoughlin, C. & Chan, A. (2008). Talk the talk: learner-generated podcasts
as catalysts for knowledge creation. British Journal of Educational
Technology, 39(3), 501-521.
Ministry of Education. (2012). National
Standards. Retrieved June 26, 2012, from
Ministry of
Education. (2007). The New Zealand
curriculum. Wellington: Learning
Naidoo, D. (2010). Losing
the “purity” of subjects? Understanding teachers' perceptions of integrating
subjects into learning areas. Education As Change, 14(2), 137-153.
Ross, J., & Hogaboam-Gray,
A. (1998). Integrating methematics, science, and technology: effects on
students. International Journal of Science Education. 20(9), 1119-1135.
Stinson, K., Harkness, S.,
Meyer, H., & Stallworth, J. (2009). Mathematics and Science integration:
models and characterizations. School Science and Mathematics, 109(3),
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