NZPF Conference 2022: Kaila Colbin - Founder / CEO Boma
The Future we’re living into
Online content surfacing on feeds of people searching innocent information. Youtube ignored the global risk as it was taking a step back from their goal as a business. What would it be like to be in the room and say - we are accountable for this.
In war - Optimists don’t make it through.
Those who make it through - confronted the brutal reality.
Sitting with the elephants in the room:
Technological disruption
Moore’s Law - doubling data points of exponential growth
Ray Kursweil - not about the transistors at all
Characteristics of Exponential growth:
Looks flat for a long time
Brains not wired to predict linear
Exports continue to predict linear
30 doubling steps - 26 times around the world.
Alphago 0 - taught itself to play - AI system to surface hits from Google searches. Elephant above: ‘realistic elephant mody lighting’
Elephants in the room:
Elephant #1:
Ask hard questions:
What is the purpose of education?
What if our metrics for success were related to wellbeing?
What sort of world do we want to live in? Eg Doughnut economics Kate Raworth - shortfall versus overshoot . Entire health budget of Ethiopia 105 million people is <1% of Jeff Bezos. In NZ we would need 2.9 planet earths for the world’s population to live the way we live.
Check for lots of interesting world data.
We need brave leaders who are prepared to go against the current - to make a difference
Reckon with our history
EG Hana O’Regan - not sure we are prepared for the trauma of unleashing our country’s real history - racism embedded.
Prior to QE11 visit in 1953 - a papa kainga was demolished as an eyesore and unhygienic
We have to be able to sit with the facts.
Elephant #3
We have to start with ourselves.
Brene Brown - courage, empathy, vulnerability and shame - dare to lead
No1 thing we need from our leaders = courage.
Lack of courage:
Inability to have tough conversations - we don’t talk about hard things
Inattention to fears and feelings
Corroding trust
Stuck in setbacks
Lack of inclusivity, diversity, equity
Shame and blame
Gauzy values
Cultures of perfectionism
Courage is a skill that needs to be taught and exercised / practised. Skill sets:
Roll into our Vulnerability (ability to lean into and navigate vulnerability)
Turn to our values
Braving trust
Learning to rise - resilience
Leadership is about our own rangatiratanga / sovereignty
Heroism is voluntary - leadership is following you own dreams, uninvited and working with others to make those dreams come true
What - intentional, intelligent, courageous leaders to build the world we want to live in
Re Beene Brown’s work = hypothesis
If we don’t have the foundation layer - courageous conversations, vulnerability - we can be effective in dealing with changes to the curriculum, etc.
this is not group therapy - but we do need to express our feelings. If we don’t we will spend our time dealing with dysfunctional behaviour. We are not thinking machines that feel we are feeling machines that think.
Courage: Deal with what is actually going on first. (out of depth, sleep deprived, unhappy…).
#1 Rumbling with vulnerability
Be the ones willing to fail so that we have the opportunity to make a difference.
What is our biggest barrier ? fear
What do we do when we are afraid? lean in or armour up? Step into the arena without armour.
Stanley McChrystal - changes in US military. it’s far easier to brave on the battlefield than it is to be brave in the boardroom. easier to put on armour and fight than lean into the discomfort.
Good news... courage is contagious. build cultures of courage. armour is neither necessary nor rewarding.
Vulnerability is NOT associated with weakness. it is risk, uncertainty, and emotional exposure. It defines the act of courage.
All Black Rugby analogy - spent four years building to to win the cup. When not in the final, at best you are in the play off for 3rd and 4th.
“Know your people and allow them to be vulnerable” (Steve Hansen).
Need to vulnerable to love - makes us open to loss.
Accountability is an act of vulnerability.
#2 Living into your values
My values as a human - what is deeply important to you.
- tick top ten values.
- second tick for top 5
- circle top two.
Ask - what values:
- Represent me at best?
- Do I bring into arena with me?
- Use as a filter for decision making?
- What does this look like in practice - specific behaviours that support those values?
- What are 2-3 slippery behaviours outside these values
- Consider specific time when did not living own values.
- Together - come up with a set of behaviours that are non-negotiable in our setting.
- what does it look like specifically when not living this?
Braving trust: acronym…(elements of trust).
B.R.A.V.I.N.G =
(sure, no problem …example. If I was asked of these things they must be possible). This scenario is present every day. there is no way to trust your yes if I cannot also trust that you will also say no when the answer is no. Setting boundaries is making clear what’s okay and what’s not okay, and why
Do what you say you’ll do. At work, this means staying aware of your competencies and limitations so you don’t overpromise and are able to deliver on commitments and balance competing priorities.
You own your mistakes, apoligize, and make amends.
You don’t share information or experiences that are not yours to share. I need to know that my confidences are kept, and that you’re not sharing with me any information about other people that should be confidential.
Choosing courage over comfort; choosing what’s right over what’s fun, fast, or easy; and practicing your values, not just professing them.
I can ask for what I need, and you can ask for what you need. We can talk about how we feel without judgment.
Extending the most generous interpretation to the intentions, words, and actions of others.
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