
Showing posts from 2021

Harvard Course: Navigating Complexity: A Leadership Program for Principals Group #1 Zoom

 Group Leaders: Dianna Mattern and Pav Singh  Pav - Harvard Graduate, involved in programme for 11 years. Lives in Singapore.  Dianna - Co-Founder of Principal's Centre. 27th year in the programme. 26 years a high school principal in U.S. Mentors principals.  Participants, in speaking order: Tony - principal of p12 college near Melbourne.  MA - principal for 8 years, full primary Vicki - Principal of a p2 (Kindergarten - Year 6), west of Syndey. Principal for 16 years.  Amber - NSW education for 25 Years. Principal of a public school in Sydney.  Jennifer - DP for 10 years in NSW Louise - Queensland low socioeconomic (incl Torres Strait Island children), 17 years as a principal - in the same school  Shared our strengths, who needs your help? How will you assist? Goals? How can you take better care of myself? What do you need from the group? What are your leadership takeaways from COVID? Who gives you support? "Never Waste a good crisis" Winston Chu...

Leadership Reflection from two days of PLD

focus on the environment / change the environment - to reduce stressors, rather than focussing on the anxiety of the person / staff member Stressors impact behaviours: long term short term Stressors impacts physical self / health Autonomy of self + Connected with others = connected autonomy Collaboration should be the focus, not just the means strive for purpose / specificity / practice-shift Stop / Pause / Reflect: self organisation Seekers reap rewards but providers pay a price Quality + Quantity of discussion 'Gate Keepers' (DPS, Middle Leaders) - guarding the realities from honest review Leadership training/mentoring matters Take care of self first

Collaboration, Networks and Clusters of Schools - seminar organised by ERO 26/03/2021

 Notes with Comentary :  Notes / photos only:

Wellington Regional Primary Principal's Conference

 Key Notes: Dr Paul Wood , Doctor of Psychology spent almost 11 years behind bars before realising the ingredients required to successfully strive towards our potential, navigate change and flourish through adversity. Jehan Casinader , one of New Zealand’s leading journalists will provide a challenging and enlightening perspective on the power of storytelling leaving you with practical tools to help you to reshape your own story. Paul Rangiwahia is a wellbeing advocate and will give insight on how you can experience inner peace and fulfilment. Kathryn Berkett, neuroscience and trauma expert will ask you - do you have difficulty 'switching off' in the evening? Waking mid-night with reoccurring thoughts of work? Kathryn will unpack the neuroscience of Self-Care. Sue Johnston, Professional and Personal Development Coach, will share her skill set to address the discomfort associated with stretch and growth as you explore and develop your leadership potential.