NZPF Conference 2018: Dr Jason Fox

Session One: Beyond the Default

Redirect the energy

"literally" - use of the term mostly actually relates to "metaphorically"

Take a "Helicopter View"

  • What's the year been like?
  • What's coming up on the horizon?
  • Distill the last 12 months into one word

We are so busy -  "hyperconnected"

  • Things become quicker (eg emails) - so we do more of it
  • time poor...quick fixes...defaults


  • save time
  • we are so good at doing 80% of things quickly
  • robs our ability to engage in slower, deeper thinking
  • results in a lack of curiosity

Ongoing Relevance

  • How do we meet unique needs?...Anything - but default
  • If we stay in this tension, we might find a better path

Constructive Discontent - (Combined with gratitude, or runs the risk of being a perpetually difficult person)

  • Swept up in the euphoria of the moment stuff


  1. Recognition of good work
  2. interpersonal support
  3. clear sense of targets
  4. clear sense of progress (no 1 motivator)

Focus on celebrating small wins

Finite amount of time and energy available - makes sense to gravitate to richest sense of purpose

What do you want to do that evidently provides a rich sense of purpose?

We often value effort more than we value value
eg - customer prepared to pay more for a lock that takes an hour to fix. Once the locksmith is able to speed up the process so that it takes only 15 minutes - even though the result is the same, and the price is the same - the customer feels they haven't been given a good deal.

What are the things that could be seen as dilusion of progress?
  • cut down
  • free up
  • to create head-space for big ideas
Option to leave a meeting early if you are not adding value.

Mission v/s Quest

Find viable alternative options to avoid the default

Cultivate a quiver of options
eg - a surfer with several boards can chose which board is best for the waves they are facing - they can swap them out, depending on what is necessary

However - more non-linear in reality

Choose one word as a fuzzy beacon for the year ahead (could use a visual theasaurus)


Session Two: Making Clever Happen

What are the behaviours?

What does "being proactive, using initiative, etc" actually mean in terms of behaviours?

We carried out a discussion exercise, going through the following steps - about a goal that we have:

Motivation vs ease / ability

People may want to do something, but when barriers come up, they are put off as it becomes too hard


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