NZPF Conference: Georgette Mulheir

argument against institutionalisation of children

Physical, emotional, developmental delays, brain development delays in children raised in institutions.

First six months crucial in terms of developmental difficulties

Children with disability requeire even more support to recover

Lack of food not the problem, but lack of emotional care and attention, affection

High number of children going missing from institutions and leading tonchikd trafficking

Too many donors, institues and individuals still believe in donating to orphanages even though they have been shown to be a harmful concept

Major change difficult, and fear of change is a barrier

For many, economic interrsts dominate over what is best for children:

1. local economy model -government policy removed children from famikes as a resultnof an ideology that viewed the state would be better placed to raise the children. Best interest was
2. Misguided volunteering model - studies show that orphanges acts as a pool facgor for bringing more chikdren to institutions. Majority of chikdren placed in orphanages have been placed there by families tongain an educagion. Money would be better spent to support families.
3.entrepenuerial business model -established because individuals have recognised that orphanages are a lucrative business, chikdren unnecessarily separated from their families. So called child minders are actually child finders with donations received by foreign  donors. Deliberately malnourished babies. Orhanages as a private business.
4.organised crime model - exploiting, abusing, body parts sold. Allow access to chikdren in order to abuse them. When instituations closed down, chikdren had to be placed in another institution.

Need to create a global will for change. Need to convince donors to support community based services that support families rather than institutions. Educate society about harm caused, debunk myth that orphanages are used for orphanes, convince governments to change,

Institutiins are not necessary - mostbcan be supprted wiyhin their own faimilies, or fostered, adoptec inton faimiles. Full range of healthnand social services to prevent need for institutions. Ring fencing  resources and transferring to community based services.
Lumos model for deinstitutionalisation


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