New Zealand Principal's Conference 2014 - Richard Gerver

Keynote: Richard Gerver

Risk of Pisa reports - countries run to the latest nation with best results to learn what they are doing, but finding that there is often an imbalance. They are each the ‘next silver bullet’
Latest OECD ( study - has engaged with a wider group - with educators, leaders in business, etc. Has found that countries that increasingly struggle to provide employment:
  • over-reliant on formal qualifications rather than actual skills
  • importance of interpersonal skills over routine cognitive
  • vital that people can learn adapt and change
  • closer links between world of work and education
Really important things happen in those ‘off the cuff’ conversations with people.
Moral purpose - to prepare our children for THEIR future.
Schools need to be the hubs for collaboration for future  - no matter where they come from and what community they live in they can have dreams. Feel their value as they grow.
People are going to make the change - systems and structures change nothing
Branding story - Harley Davidson: no longer the best motor cycle, so began branding the ‘bad boy’ image - 1/10 HD shops around the world sell motorcycles. The rest sell t-shirts, etc. People want the lifestyle of the HD
What do we want to stand for in the eyes of our students?
How are we going to sell learning as a lifestyle for our children?
How focused are we on a primary customers in schools? It’s not about us. We are the servants to the children. They are our customers - our primary customers. Our jobs are to be the first step outside our comfort zones - we’ve got to make sure that schools are about our kids
John Holt when does “learning to play the cello” become “playing the cello” ? How much is schooling about preparing for the adult world?
Laugh a Little - education can be very serious.


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