
Showing posts from 2020

Kāhui Ako Leadership Day, Matauranga House (Cheryl Doig, Greg Jansen - Leadership Lab, ChCh)

 Collaborative Incubator: How do we share ideas with each other? Touchstones when planning: Change / Leadership thinking Future provocation Own Kāhui Ako teams Cross Kāhui Ako - general & job-a-like or topic-specific Can you eat it? Processes / Structures shared: Touchstones - connecting with what is important Overview - esp for those who like a structure Whakawhanaungatanga - being able to see yourself in the conversation / in the room Developmental Maps / Mosaics Doughnut - culture, systems - able to be used as a structure - where we are at? Cynefin fraework - what this looks like from complex / complicated aspects Scrum - stand-up meeting - fast / connect SLAM DUNK: a great way to gather ideas from the rest of a large group - rich time to find out what is happening in schools / kura - 1 min slot for each KA - promote something want to ponder/share with a group (4 different KAs) - Everyone attended one of the four to engage in discussion/sharing Interesting ideas that came ou...

Springboard Trust: Equity as a measurement of leadership (Laurayne Tafa)

 Why do students succeed or don't succeed?  If we justify by blaming society or the system (curriculum, timetable, resources) - this is drawing on deficit theories.  Leaders tend to lean towards telling war stories - leading to hoelessness. Deficit theories can lead to "do-good" programmes or practices. Key to Agentic Leadership and Decision-making:  Need to change the system Understand why disparities exist Collecting data sets against key indicators (eg progress, attendance, retention, engagement, etc) - then you can start examining further. Is attendance a valid reason why students succeed or not?  Or - is the biggest group of underachievement attending? Interruptions (leaving class for feeding the chickens, carrying out tasks)? How many of these are school-based rather than home-based? Engagement - how many students can answer the engagement and learning questions - what am I learning, how do I know I am being successful - what are my next styeps.  If s...

Springboard trust Webinar: The North-East Model (Russell Bishop)

Image    What can we, as a school, do about inequity? Based on research across many school settings, through Te Kotahitanga, it is known that when relationships improve, interactions improve.  Schools that operate in the top right quadrant and "Northeast schools" When this happens - outcomes improve for learners and inequity is reduced.  It's about - Knowing What to do and how to do it! Leaders (including teachers as leaders) - Support Teachers to...