
Showing posts from April, 2019

WRPPA Conference: Gilbert Enoka - Creating and Mantaining a high performance Culture

All Blacks - people performing under pressure Context: Grew up in an orphanage in P Nth 18months – 12 years (caring and considerate – exclusive bretheren). Went home to a dysfunctional family – left home at 16. “Your past is not your future” Your situation ·         Difficult time in Education – neglect? ·         Recruitment and retention – huge concern ·         Many ‘opting out’ of leadership positions ·         Stresses pervade the operating landscape:: o    Student needs... o    Partent expectations o    Vocationallty trapped ·         Impacts morale Magic of high performance is about the whole context Task 1.       What one word of phrase would you use to describe where you and your role in your school currently stands today? 2.       What does next level of performace look like for you and your role in your school? Key learning confirmed: 1.       No silver bullets or magic solutions . Need three

WRPPA Conference: Dan Haesler - How to Enhance Your Wellbeing (and that of those around you)

Director – Cut through Coaching How to Enhance Your Wellbeing (and that of those around you) Positive Psychology – not about being happy all the time. Looks at what people who are thriving are actually doing differently than those whose wellbeing is low. 1970s psychological study of seminarians Spent time studying God Samaritan story – and then invited to another campus to spread the story of the Good Samaritan – why it is important. 3 groups – presenting on different days 1.       when arrived, greeted off the bus and shown the way to speaking area 2.       When arrived, greeting: thought you would be here a little earlier – never mind – shown the way 3.       When arrived, we’ve been waiting half an hour – the group has been waiting for you – get there quickly Planted an injured actor en route Group 1 – 90% stopped to offer assistance Group 2 – 40-50% stopped Group 3 - <10%

WRPPA Conference: Ian Narev - Snakes and Ladders of Leadership

“No a didactic “How to” guide” on leadership – but talking as someone who has been on the spot / in the heat In Commonwealth Bank Australia - experience of highs-of-highs, then hit bottom-low. The snaked is very close to the ladder. Knife-edge of success and failure. Two sides of a coin – which side of the coin you end up on will be vary, and be as conincidental as throwing a 3 or a 4. Learning about three levels of leadership: 1.       Team 2.       Stakeholders 3.       Self Team Snakes and ladders on either side. Relationship between:   delegation and empowerment                    vs               control and accountability – most difficult Ladder -   The momenet as a leader you find yourself with a good team around you – you motivate and delegate to them = the power of the school is emplified – ditribution of leadrship enables things to happen at the school. Chances are – makes job great for most who are empowered. Once aligned with a vision – mad

WRPPA Conference: James Anderson – Putting the growth back into Growth mindset

Image What are you going to do to ensure all kids in your sechool become more intelligent this year? Reference to Carol Dweck’s work - carol didn't invent - she put a name to it The difference is choice... Fixed mindset don’t see a choice in the first place. Avoids a challenge. If I fail – everyone will know that’s my limit. Gives up easily. Sees effort as fruitless or worse. Sees effort as bad. Ignores useful negative feedback (see as list of deficits – there is nothing they can do). Feels threatened by the success of others. Being comes before doing. Learning is about discovering your abilities. No risk involved – already have the ability. Growth Mindset embraces challenges, persists n the face of setbacks. See effort path to mastery. Learns from criticsim. Find lessons and inspiration from the success of others. Effort is good. Learn from feedback – knocking on your door to ask. Becoming comes before being. I want to