
Showing posts from October, 2018

NZPF Conference: Dr Tony Wagner

Session One: Creating Innovators Business no longer wnats children who KNOW - now they want what they can DO (that computers can't) The longer kids in school, the fewer questions they ask.  - what can we do differently to prepare for active citizeonship? Creative problem-solvers? Teach Creative Problem-Solving Skills The world demands that you take initiative, and challenge authority. Rewarding and celebrating individual strengths V/s Team work, leads to Failure Failure Fear of failure comes from school Graded on basis of numbers of mistakes Innovation demands students to: take risks make mistakes fail (growth mindset) The world of innovation demands learning through trial and error Human beings learn most of our important things through trial and error (eg - learn to walk) Motivation Higher grades, more money   V/S Intrinsic Motivation That most motivates?  A deep desire to make a difference. Parents  and teachers encourage suc...

NZPF Conference 2018: Sylvia Martinez

A Creative Revolution Goes to School: The Maker Movement Why are we so quick to lable kids and put them through a narrow path? Maker Movement: Global learning and doing DIY, reinvent, recycle open, shared solutions community hacker spaces, maker spaces All ages Next industrial revolution Ability to make something to solve your problems - take into own hands Kids do real things in all subject areas Students' passions nurtured - making things they care about www.InventToLearn "making" in the classroom

NZPF Conference 2018: Dr Jason Fox

Session One: Beyond the Default Redirect the energy "literally" - use of the term mostly actually relates to "metaphorically" Take a "Helicopter View" What's the year been like? What's coming up on the horizon? Distill the last 12 months into one word We are so busy -  "hyperconnected" Things become quicker (eg emails) - so we do more of it time poor...quick fixes...defaults Defaults save time we are so good at doing 80% of things quickly robs our ability to engage in slower, deeper thinking results in a lack of curiosity Ongoing Relevance How do we meet unique needs?...Anything - but default If we stay in this tension, we might find a better path Constructive Discontent - (Combined with gratitude, or runs the risk of being a perpetually difficult person) Swept up in the euphoria of the moment stuff Motivators: Recognition of good work interpersonal support clear sense of targets clear sense...

NZPF Conference 2018: Hon Chris Hipkins, NZ Minster of Education

Partnership Trust, compromise, good faith Collaboration takes time don't lose sight of bigger picture Planned, sustainable approach to teacher recruitment Extra 100 ORs places in 2019 - not enough, but a start Making NZ the best place in the work to be a child Challenge of moving schools - takes away feeling of belonging