NZPF Conference: Rigour, Ritual, Repition and Rhetoric: How to Understand and Lead your culture to inspire your people to meet any challenge

Michael Henderson (Corporate antropologist)

How important is culture inside our organisation?

What is Culture? - think of more as a verb, than a noun.

A Social Culture for Safety

Shared Aesop's Fable - The Four Oxen and the Lion: Moral: United we stand, divided we fall

Cicular Metphor of culture.

Language is the bloodline of a culture. being able to describe challenges faced in your culture. Traditional tribes are at risk, becuase of the loss of their language. eg can you imagine doing the haka in Mandarin?

Tribal survival: 75% of the current fortune 500 countries will not be in the top 500 organisations in 2020 because their culture will not be able to adapt quickly enough, as they will not have the collective mental agailty to cope with the speed of change.

When cultures go toxic, they are powerful enough to put you out of business (eg Volkswagon lies impacting sales permanently). Our culture is our social reputation / brand.

We understand that a culture of safety is important - when you are busy, your attention can drift and safety, caring, empathy can drift off your awareness. It is hard to stay listening for any period of time. Listening for so long, batteries run down.

Recipe for building high performance culture

If you believe in the culture, you are comfortable living within it.

Our beliefs are what stimulates you

Behave = Be..have - how we be will dictate what we have. Awesome educators - awesome learners. Awesome administrators = may end up with a learning problem.

Our brain automatically checks that some other people have the same beliefs as you - often itwill be a smile = belonging to the same culture / belief. Helps determine who belongs. Immediate judgment.

Building a strong team:
1. Ability to smile and demonstrate how great to feel you - will immediately break down barriers for other people (eg approaching...friend or foe? in wild animals)

2. If we contribute to or give something back - credibility

Law versus Lore (culture)
Not Law - people's responses to the law is what sets the culture and how it achieves.

eg Diet - we know that not eating sugar / lower carbs will make you loose weight, but say "yeah but one piece of chocolate won't hurt"

Education has an important role to play

ability to feed the population = education has an important role to play
If global warming is true - education has an important role to play

When a standup comedian says something funny, you break into laughter - then you check people around you to see if they are laughing as well. it ain't funny unless the room says it is. saying something is funny that others find distasteful will ostracise you from the tribe.

Can only hazard a guess at what drives another culture

Is the culture capable of adapting fast enough to keeo up with the changing world?

If not - you have a problem. Someone will come around next year and say - your game is now redundant.

Learn to adapt and be aware - even of people you don't necessarily respect, because they are different from you. Listen to people outside your sector.

Common term in industry = VUCA = Lion circling our oxen = the threat to our culture

volatile (eg petrol prices going up, polital instability, education system)
leads to uncertaincy
Things become more complex, not simler
ambiguous - what we are trying to achiev and what we have got are two different things

How have you adapted your 22 years experience to fit the changing world that has become today?

Mindset - share - mindshift

Go and play anthropolgies in own school, and listen to conversations. Be aware...are they about:

Mind set? - we've only done it this way
Mind share? = ;et's go and talk to otjer poeple
Mind shift? - what if?


Take action

Achieve - make changes for the beter to keep up with the cultural needs

Adaptive tensions:

  • Curriculum VS Curiosity
  • Tradition VS Transformation
  • How Intelligent VS Intelligfent How
  • Deju Vu VS Vu Jade (not necessarily buying into the thought that things are going to be the same. Maths! I wonder what that will be about? Maybe my teacher became inspired over night?)
  • Individual VS Collective (if the comapny doesn't sack you, the tribe will)
  • Know how VS How Know

Belonging = Be-here for a long time


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