NZPF Conference: What is Student Agency?
Brian Annan Mary Wotton Growing agency as a quality - people who choose to use that agency vs people who do not choose to use it... turning the tap on - sometimes doing things you want them to and some using it to do things you don't want them to. How do you move these kids into a new space - trust that if use that agency, good things will happen to them? Children's Learning Maps - showed videos of: 5 year old showing map of herself and what tools / people helps her learn, Asked - what do you need to change about your map to help you learn more. Developing language of learning from early age - school worked on developing a concept of learning. Girl wanted to add her friends because they learn things from eachother. Joe from Lower Hutt - what excited them about their learning, and what had changed for them in their learning. Found out that when something has changed for children, they don't remember what they were like before. Then ca...