
NZPF Conference 2022: Prof. Russell Bishop

  Leading to the North-East. How to solve the Literacy Crisis in two years. Prof. Russell Bishop Emeritus Professor for Māori Education in the Faculty of Education at the University of Waikato, New Zealand.  35% of 15 year-olds in NZ are functionally illiterate. Maori are over-represented in this figure. There are very sound, practical suggestions about how to improve literacy in the literature from both advocates of Balanced and Structured Literacy approaches. However, teaching variability and lack of consistent infrastructural support for teachers limits the success of most interventions. The Government has recently released a new literacy and numeracy strategy. However, it needs an effective model for schools to respond to and sustain the strategy. Literacy is a proxy for achievement, attendance data in NZ - get literacy right you will get other things right too Institutional racism has existed for a long time and is still prevalent.  Nina Hood research - showing str...

NZPF Conference 2022: Te Kahu Rolleston

Starting a speech with something didn’t write - Karakia, incantation about the  (maunga - Mt Maunganui tama nui te ra - always there, by your side Purakau - emotions within the story - something to let you know how to approach something. messages can be tracked back through histories to the Gods.  Spoken Word Poetry Using rhythm, rhyme, music, creation stories to learn. put important  information into a song - as with moteatea.  finding out perspectives from people around - made it into poetry as if a Purakau. (eg Tge Rena sinking near Tauranga). radio Nz interview: kids - find out what sort of music they like. put the legal rights into their style of music.  What matters - watching the transform of rangatahi as they start to understand a concept and can partici...

NZPF Conference 2022: Dr. Cheryl Doig - Think Beyond

Navigating the Future: Rips, Rollercoasters and Realities Who we are - our whakapapa, our histories - the context for being a futurist.  Be really observant and curious. Keep looking from above.  Last 5 years - we have been through a lot.  3 c’s Climate change is not going away - nor the anxieties surrounding it - more conflict in the world. We need to be aware of it and make some difference. UK is talking about cutting school to 3 days a week because of energy costs / availability.  Covid - diseases like it are not going away.  OECD research about the future of education in a post-covid world.  

NZPF Conference: Keynote Speaker - Dr. Farah Palmer

  Leading from the Front Row – the good, the bad and the ugly! Purakau - Hine, first woman. daughter rebelled. some of us in that leadership space. hine nui e te Pō - guardian of night/dark spaces.  which stage are you at as a leader?  Sport is a vehicle for us to influence your people. this path provided opportunities for leadership.  1. take that space - sidestep obstacles and play to your strengths 2.  Whāia te Iti kahurangi ki te tūohu koe, me he maunga teitei pursue excellence - should you stumble, let it be a lofty mountain.  3. get in the starting 15 - minorities may be endorsed as leaders in times of organisational identify threats 4. drown out the hecklers  5. navigate by your values  6. find your ‘tight 5’ - allies, networks, kaupapa Whānau  7. rucks happen - be resilient and learn 8. kick it forward - how do we impact structure and systems to creat organisational change? 

NZPF Conference 2022: Kaila Colbin - Founder / CEO Boma

  The Future we’re living into  Online content surfacing on feeds of people searching innocent information. Youtube ignored the global risk as it was taking a step back from their goal as a business. What would it be like to be in the room and say - we are accountable for this.  Courage In war - Optimists don’t make it through. Those who make it through - confronted the brutal reality.  Sitting with the elephants in the room: Technological disruption  Moore’s Law - doubling data points of exponential growth Ray Kursweil - not about the transistors at all  Characteristics of Exponential growth: Looks flat for a long time Brains not wired to predict linear Exports continue to predict linear  BUT 30 doubling steps  - 26 times around the world.  It’s hard to measure progress as you go.   Alphago 0 - taught itself to play - AI system to surface hits from Google searches. Elephant above: ‘realistic elephant mody lighting’ Elephants in the roo...

Harvard Course: Navigating Complexity: A Leadership Program for Principals Group #1 Zoom

 Group Leaders: Dianna Mattern and Pav Singh  Pav - Harvard Graduate, involved in programme for 11 years. Lives in Singapore.  Dianna - Co-Founder of Principal's Centre. 27th year in the programme. 26 years a high school principal in U.S. Mentors principals.  Participants, in speaking order: Tony - principal of p12 college near Melbourne.  MA - principal for 8 years, full primary Vicki - Principal of a p2 (Kindergarten - Year 6), west of Syndey. Principal for 16 years.  Amber - NSW education for 25 Years. Principal of a public school in Sydney.  Jennifer - DP for 10 years in NSW Louise - Queensland low socioeconomic (incl Torres Strait Island children), 17 years as a principal - in the same school  Shared our strengths, who needs your help? How will you assist? Goals? How can you take better care of myself? What do you need from the group? What are your leadership takeaways from COVID? Who gives you support? "Never Waste a good crisis" Winston Chu...