Time Management: Springboard Trust Ian Narev (video)
Key to making progress on Time Management: Mindset (high level) Mindset = Your most critical and valuable scarce resource, that can make a differnece to the strategy and direction of the organisation is your Time (not $). As the organisation leader, everyone looks to the way you spend your time, as to what is important in the organisation. Strategy Not about the big document. Not about the flowery description of where the school needs to go in the future. It is a very clear guide that then gets translated back into day to day actions and decisions. That's when you know strategy really works. Maybe 100 decisions in a week - a number is "what are we going to do if it rains?", But a number are critical for mapping the direction. Your time has to be managed agaist same vision / set of strategic initiatives - the most scarce resource (time). Where am I spending my time? = very important. idea from capacity Partner - Colour code calendar according to strategies -...