
Showing posts from February, 2014

The Learning Brain

Nathan Mikaere-Wallis - Notes from workshop Social interacting - brain most active, more connections to help learning Sitting & being quiet - least active, fewer connections being activated in brain, less learning Perry's Neurosequential Model (Perry, 2002): 1. Brainstem - for survival (Heart rate - fight, flight, freeze) - this area of the brain needs to be less active before the Cortex can be engaged - learning can only happen in a calm state. High brainstem activity = low cortex activity. 2. Midbrain - Coordination, movement 3. Limbic - Emotional Response 4. Cortical - activity in the cortex (Empathy, Controlling yourself, Literacy, etc) - most of the school curriculum relies on engaging this part of the brain Relationships are key to accessing the frontal cortex for learning... safe, interactive, emotional needs met = able to learn. Unsure, in fea...